xhydro.modelling package

The Hydrotel Hydrological Model module.

Prevent circular imports by importing in a very specific order. isort:skip_file


xhydro.modelling._hm module

Hydrological model class.

class xhydro.modelling._hm.HydrologicalModel[source]

Bases : ABC

Hydrological model class.

This class is a wrapper for the different hydrological models that can be used in xhydro.

abstract get_inputs(**kwargs) Dataset[source]

Get the input data for the hydrological model.



Additional keyword arguments for the hydrological model.



Input data for the hydrological model, in xarray Dataset format.

abstract get_streamflow(**kwargs) Dataset[source]

Get the simulated streamflow data from the hydrological model.



Additional keyword arguments for the hydrological model.



Input data for the hydrological model, in xarray Dataset format.

abstract run(**kwargs) Dataset[source]

Run the hydrological model.



Additional keyword arguments for the hydrological model.



Simulated streamflow from the hydrological model, in xarray Dataset format.

xhydro.modelling._hydrotel module

Class to handle Hydrotel simulations.

class xhydro.modelling._hydrotel.Hydrotel(project_dir: str | PathLike, project_file: str, executable: str | PathLike, *, project_config: dict | None = None, simulation_config: dict | None = None, output_config: dict | None = None, use_defaults: bool = True)[source]

Bases : HydrologicalModel

Class to handle Hydrotel simulations.


project_dirstr or os.PathLike

Path to the project folder.


Name of the project file (e.g. “projet.csv”).

executablestr or os.PathLike

Command to execute Hydrotel. On Windows, this should be the path to Hydrotel.exe.

project_configdict, optional

Dictionary of configuration options to overwrite in the project file.

simulation_configdict, optional

Dictionary of configuration options to overwrite in the simulation file (simulation.csv).

output_configdict, optional

Dictionary of configuration options to overwrite in the output file (output.csv).


If True, use default configuration options loaded from xhydro/modelling/data/hydrotel_defaults/. If False, read the configuration options directly from the files in the project folder.


At minimum, the project folder must already exist when this function is called and either “use_defaults” must be True or “SIMULATION COURANTE” must be specified as a keyword argument in “project_config”.

get_inputs(subset_time: bool = False, return_config=False, **kwargs) Dataset | tuple[Dataset, dict][source]

Get the weather file from the simulation.



If True, only return the weather data for the time period specified in the simulation configuration file.


Whether to return the configuration file as well. If True, returns a tuple of (dataset, configuration).


Keyword arguments to pass to xarray.open_dataset().



If “return_config” is False, returns the weather file.

Tuple[xr.Dataset, dict]

If “return_config” is True, returns the weather file and its configuration.

get_streamflow(**kwargs) Dataset[source]

Get the streamflow from the simulation.



Keyword arguments to pass to xarray.open_dataset().



The streamflow file.

run(check_missing: bool = False, dry_run: bool = False, xr_open_kwargs_in: dict | None = None, xr_open_kwargs_out: dict | None = None) str | Dataset[source]

Run the simulation.



If True, also checks for missing values in the dataset. This can be time-consuming for large datasets, so it is False by default. However, note that Hydrotel will not run if there are missing values in the input files.


If True, returns the command to run the simulation without actually running it.

xr_open_kwargs_indict, optional

Keyword arguments to pass to xarray.open_dataset() when reading the input files.

xr_open_kwargs_outdict, optional

Keyword arguments to pass to xarray.open_dataset() when reading the raw output files.



The command to run the simulation, if “dry_run” is True.


The streamflow file, if “dry_run” is False.

update_config(*, project_config: dict | None = None, simulation_config: dict | None = None, output_config: dict | None = None)[source]

Update the configuration options in the project, simulation, and output files.


project_configdict, optional

Dictionary of configuration options to overwrite in the project file.

simulation_configdict, optional

Dictionary of configuration options to overwrite in the simulation file (simulation.csv).

output_configdict, optional

Dictionary of configuration options to overwrite in the output file (output.csv).

xhydro.modelling._ravenpy_models module

Implement the ravenpy handler class for emulating raven models in ravenpy.

class xhydro.modelling._ravenpy_models.RavenpyModel(model_name: str, parameters: ndarray | list[float], drainage_area: ndarray | float, elevation: ndarray | float, latitude, longitude, start_date, end_date, qobs_path, alt_names_flow, meteo_file, data_type, alt_names_meteo, meteo_station_properties, workdir: str | PathLike | None = None, rain_snow_fraction='RAINSNOW_DINGMAN', evaporation='PET_PRIESTLEY_TAYLOR', **kwargs)[source]

Bases : HydrologicalModel

Implement the RavenPy model class to build and run ravenpy models.


model_name{« Blended », « GR4JCN », « HBVEC », « HMETS », « HYPR », « Mohyse », « SACSMA »}

The name of the ravenpy model to run.

parametersnp.ndarray or list of float

The model parameters for simulation or calibration.

drainage_areanp.ndarray or float

The watershed drainage area, in km².

elevationnp.ndarray or float

The elevation of the watershed, in meters.

latitudenp.ndarray or float

The latitude of the watershed centroid.

longitudenp.ndarray or float

The longitude of the watershed centroid.


The first date of the simulation.


The last date of the simulation.

qobs_pathstr or os.PathLike

The path to the dataset containing the observed streamflow.

alt_names_flowsequence of str

# FIXME: This does not acceppt a dict, but a sequence of str. Please update the docstring. A dictionary that allows users to change the names of flow variables of their dataset to cf-compliant names.

meteo_filestr or os.PathLike

The path to the file containing the observed meteorological data.

data_typesequence of str

# FIXME: This does not acceppt a dict, but a sequence of str. Please update the docstring. The dictionary necessary to tell raven which variables are being fed such that it can adjust its processes internally.


A dictionary that allows users to change the names of meteo variables of their dataset to cf-compliant names.


The properties of the weather stations providing the meteorological data. Used to adjust weather according to differences between station and catchment elevations (adiabatic gradients, etc.).

workdirstr or os.PathLike

Path to save the .rv files and model outputs.


The method used by raven to split total precipitation into rain and snow.


The evapotranspiration function used by raven.


Dictionary of other parameters to feed to raven according to special cases and that are allowed by the raven documentation.

get_inputs() Dataset[source]

Return the inputs used to run the ravenpy model.



The observed meteorological data used to run the ravenpy model simulation.


Return the precomputed streamflow.



The simulated streamflow from the selected ravenpy model.

run() str | Dataset[source]

Run the ravenpy hydrological model and return simulated streamflow.



The simulated streamflow from the selected ravenpy model.

xhydro.modelling._simplemodels module

Simple hydrological models.

class xhydro.modelling._simplemodels.DummyModel(precip: DataArray, temperature: DataArray, drainage_area: float, parameters: ndarray, qobs: ndarray = None)[source]

Bases : HydrologicalModel

Dummy model.

Dummy model to use as a placeholder for testing purposes.



Daily precipitation in mm.


Daily average air temperature in °C.


Drainage area of the catchment.


Model parameters, length 3.

qobsnp.ndarray, optional

Observed streamflow in m3/s.

get_inputs() Dataset[source]

Return the input data for the Dummy model.



Input data for the Dummy model, in xarray Dataset format.

get_streamflow() Dataset[source]

Return the simulated streamflow from the Dummy model.



Simulated streamflow from the Dummy model, in xarray Dataset format.

run() Dataset[source]

Run the Dummy model.



Simulated streamflow from the Dummy model, in xarray Dataset format.

xhydro.modelling.calibration module

Calibration package for hydrological models.

This package contains the main framework for hydrological model calibration. It uses the spotpy calibration package applied on a « model_config » object. This object is meant to be a container that can be used as needed by any hydrologic model. For example, it can store datasets directly, paths to datasets (nc files or other), csv files, basically anything that can be stored in a dictionary.

It then becomes the user’s responsibility to ensure that required data for a given model be provided in the model_config object both in the data preparation stage and in the hydrological model implementation. This can be addressed by a set of pre-defined codes for given model structures.

For example, for GR4J, only small datasets are required and can be stored directly in the model_config dictionary. However, for Hydrotel or Raven models, maybe it is better to pass paths to netcdf files which can be passed to the models. This will require pre- and post-processing, but this can easily be handled at the stage where we create a hydrological model and prepare the data.

The calibration aspect then becomes trivial:

  1. A model_config object is passed to the calibrator.

  2. Lower and upper bounds for calibration parameters are defined and passed

  3. An objective function, optimizer and hyperparameters are also passed.

  4. The calibrator uses this information to develop parameter sets that are then passed as inputs to the « model_config » object.

  5. The calibrator launches the desired hydrological model with the model_config object (now containing the parameter set) as input.

  6. The appropriate hydrological model function then parses « model_config », takes the parameters and required data, launches a simulation and returns simulated flow (Qsim).

  7. The calibration package then compares Qobs and Qsim and computes the objective function value, and returns this to the sampler that will then repeat the process to find optimal parameter sets.

  8. The code returns the best parameter set, objective function value, and we also return the simulated streamflow on the calibration period for user convenience.

This system has the advantage of being extremely flexible, robust, and efficient as all data can be either in-memory or only the reference to the required datasets on disk is passed around the callstack.

Currently, the model_config object has 3 mandatory keywords for the package to run correctly in all instances:

  • model_config[« Qobs »]: Contains the observed streamflow used as the

    calibration target.

  • model_config[« model_name »]: Contains a string referring to the

    hydrological model to be run.

  • model_config[« parameters »]: While not necessary to provide this, it is

    a reserved keyword used by the optimizer.

Any comments are welcome!

xhydro.modelling.calibration.perform_calibration(model_config: dict, obj_func: str, bounds_high: ndarray | list[float | int], bounds_low: ndarray | list[float | int], evaluations: int, algorithm: str = 'DDS', mask: ndarray | list[float | int] | None = None, transform: str | None = None, epsilon: float = 0.01, sampler_kwargs: dict | None = None)[source]

Perform calibration using SPOTPY.

This is the entrypoint for the model calibration. After setting-up the model_config object and other arguments, calling « perform_calibration » will return the optimal parameter set, objective function value and simulated flows on the calibration period.



The model configuration object that contains all info to run the model. The model function called to run this model should always use this object and read-in data it requires. It will be up to the user to provide the data that the model requires.


The objective function used for calibrating. Can be any one of these:

  • « abs_bias » : Absolute value of the « bias » metric

  • « abs_pbias »: Absolute value of the « pbias » metric

  • « abs_volume_error » : Absolute value of the volume_error metric

  • « agreement_index »: Index of agreement

  • « correlation_coeff »: Correlation coefficient

  • « kge » : Kling Gupta Efficiency metric (2009 version)

  • « kge_mod » : Kling Gupta Efficiency metric (2012 version)

  • « mae »: Mean Absolute Error metric

  • « mare »: Mean Absolute Relative Error metric

  • « mse » : Mean Square Error metric

  • « nse »: Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency metric

  • « r2 » : r-squared, i.e. square of correlation_coeff.

  • « rmse » : Root Mean Square Error

  • « rrmse » : Relative Root Mean Square Error (RMSE-to-mean ratio)

  • « rsr » : Ratio of RMSE to standard deviation.


High bounds for the model parameters to be calibrated. SPOTPY will sample parameter sets from within these bounds. The size must be equal to the number of parameters to calibrate.


Low bounds for the model parameters to be calibrated. SPOTPY will sample parameter sets from within these bounds. The size must be equal to the number of parameters to calibrate.


Maximum number of model evaluations (calibration budget) to perform before stopping the calibration process.


The optimization algorithm to use. Currently, « DDS » and « SCEUA » are available, but more can be easily added.

masknp.array, optional

A vector indicating which values to preserve/remove from the objective function computation. 0=remove, 1=preserve.

transformstr, optional

The method to transform streamflow prior to computing the objective function. Can be one of: Square root (“sqrt”), inverse (“inv”), or logarithmic (“log”) transformation.

epsilonscalar float

Used to add a small delta to observations for log and inverse transforms, to eliminate errors caused by zero flow days (1/0 and log(0)). The added perturbation is equal to the mean observed streamflow times this value of epsilon.


Contains the keywords and hyperparameter values for the optimization algorithm. Keywords depend on the algorithm choice. Currently, SCEUA and DDS are supported with the following default values: - SCEUA: dict(ngs=7, kstop=3, peps=0.1, pcento=0.1) - DDS: dict(trials=1)



The optimized parameter set.


Simulated streamflow using the optimized parameter set.


The best objective function value.

xhydro.modelling.hydrological_modelling module

Hydrological modelling framework.

xhydro.modelling.hydrological_modelling.format_input(ds: Dataset, model: str, convert_calendar_missing: float | str | dict = nan, save_as: str | PathLike | None = None, **kwargs) tuple[Dataset, dict][source]

Reformat CF-compliant meteorological data for use in hydrological models.



A dataset containing the meteorological data. See the « Notes » section for more information on the expected format.


The name of the hydrological model to use. Currently supported models are: « Hydrotel ».

convert_calendar_missingfloat, str, dict, optional

Upon conversion of the calendar, missing values will be filled with this value. Default is np.nan. If the value is “interpolate”, the new dates will be linearly interpolated over time. A dictionary can be used to specify a different fill value for each variable. Keys should be the standard names of the variables (first entry in the list of names in the « Notes » section).

save_asstr, optional

Where to save the reformatted data. If None, the data will not be saved. This can be useful when multiple files are needed for a single model run (e.g. Hydrotel needs a configuration file).


Additional keyword arguments to pass to the save function.


tuple[xr.Dataset, dict]

The reformatted dataset and, if applicable, the configuration for the model.


The input dataset should be CF-compliant. This function will attempt to detect the variables based on the standard_name attribute, the cell_methods attribute, or the variable name (AMIP column) taken from https://cfconventions.org/Data/cf-standard-names/current/build/cf-standard-name-table.html.


  • If using 1D time series, the station dimension should have an attribute cf_role set to « timeseries_id ».

  • Units don’t need to be canonical, but they should be convertible to the expected units and be understood by xclim.

  • The following attempts will be made to detect the variables:
    • Longitude:
      • standard_name: « longitude »

      • variable name: « lon », « longitude »

    • Latitude:
      • standard_name: « latitude »

      • variable name: « lat », « latitude »

    • Elevation:
      • standard_name: « surface_altitude »

      • variable name: « orog », « z », « altitude », « elevation », « height »

    • Precipitation:
      • standard_name: « precipitation » (e.g. « lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount »)

      • variable name: « pr », « precip », « precipitation »

    • Maximum temperature:
      • standard_name: « air_temperature »

      • cell_methods: « time: maximum »

      • variable name: « tasmax », « tmax », « temperature_max »

    • Minimum temperature:
      • standard_name: « air_temperature »

      • cell_methods: « time: minimum »

      • variable name: « tasmin », « tmin », « temperature_min »

Hydrotel requires the following variables: [« longitude », « latitude », « altitude », « time », « tasmax », « tasmin », « pr »].

xhydro.modelling.hydrological_modelling.get_hydrological_model_inputs(model_name, required_only: bool = False) tuple[dict, str][source]

Get the required inputs for a given hydrological model.



The name of the hydrological model to use. Currently supported models are: « Hydrotel ».


If True, only the required inputs will be returned.



A dictionary containing the required configuration for the hydrological model.


The documentation for the hydrological model.


Initialize an instance of a hydrological model.



A dictionary containing the configuration for the hydrological model. Must contain a key « model_name » with the name of the model to use: « Hydrotel ». The required keys depend on the model being used. Use the function get_hydrological_model_inputs to get the required keys for a given model.


Hydrotel or DummyModel

An instance of the hydrological model.

xhydro.modelling.obj_funcs module

Objective function package for xhydro, for calibration and model evaluation.

This package provides a flexible suite of popular objective function metrics in hydrological modelling and hydrological model calibration. The main function “get_objective_function” returns the value of the desired objective function while allowing users to customize many aspects:

1- Select the objective function to run; 2- Allow providing a mask to remove certain elements from the objective function calculation (e.g. for odd/even year calibration, or calibration on high or low flows only, or any custom setup). 3- Apply a transformation on the flows to modify the behaviour of the objective function calculation (e.g taking the log, inverse or square root transform of the flows before computing the objective function).

This function also contains some tools and inputs reserved for the calibration toolbox, such as the ability to take the negative of the objective function to maximize instead of minimize a metric according to the needs of the optimizing algorithm.

xhydro.modelling.obj_funcs.get_objective_function(qobs: ndarray | Dataset, qsim: ndarray | Dataset, obj_func: str = 'rmse', take_negative: bool = False, mask: ndarray | Dataset | None = None, transform: str | None = None, epsilon: float | None = None)[source]

Entrypoint function for the objective function calculation.

More can be added by adding the function to this file and adding the option in this function.


All data corresponding to NaN values in the observation set are removed from the calculation. If a mask is passed, it must be the same size as the qsim and qobs vectors. If any NaNs are present in the qobs dataset, all corresponding data in the qobs, qsim and mask will be removed prior to passing to the processing function.



Vector containing the Observed streamflow to be used in the objective function calculation. It is the target to attain.


Vector containing the Simulated streamflow as generated by the hydrological model. It is modified by changing parameters and resumulating the hydrological model.


String representing the objective function to use in the calibration. Options must be one of the accepted objective functions: - « abs_bias » : Absolute value of the « bias » metric - « abs_pbias »: Absolute value of the « pbias » metric - « abs_volume_error » : Absolute value of the volume_error metric - « agreement_index »: Index of agreement - « bias » : Bias metric - « correlation_coeff »: Correlation coefficient - « kge » : Kling Gupta Efficiency metric (2009 version) - « kge_mod » : Kling Gupta Efficiency metric (2012 version) - « mae »: Mean Absolute Error metric - « mare »: Mean Absolute Relative Error metric - « mse » : Mean Square Error metric - « nse »: Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency metric - « pbias » : Percent bias (relative bias) - « r2 » : r-squared, i.e. square of correlation_coeff. - « rmse » : Root Mean Square Error - « rrmse » : Relative Root Mean Square Error (RMSE-to-mean ratio) - « rsr » : Ratio of RMSE to standard deviation. - « volume_error »: Total volume error over the period. The default is “rmse”.


Used to force the objective function to be multiplied by minus one (-1) such that it is possible to maximize it if the optimizer is a minimizer and vice versa. Should always be set to False unless required by an optimization setup, which is handled internally and transparently to the user. The default is False.


Array of 0 or 1 on which the objective function should be applied. Values of 1 indicate that the value is included in the calculation, and values of 0 indicate that the value is excluded and will have no impact on the objective function calculation. This can be useful for specific optimization strategies such as odd/even year calibration, seasonal calibration or calibration based on high/low flows. The default is None and all data are preserved.


Indicates the type of transformation required. Can be one of the following values: - « sqrt » : Square root transformation of the flows [sqrt(Q)] - « log » : Logarithmic transformation of the flows [log(Q)] - « inv » : Inverse transformation of the flows [1/Q] The default value is « None », by which no transformation is performed.


Indicates the perturbation to add to the flow time series during a transformation to avoid division by zero and logarithmic transformation. The perturbation is equal to: perturbation = epsilon * mean(qobs). The default value is 0.01.



Value of the selected objective function (obj_fun).

xhydro.modelling.obj_funcs.transform_flows(qsim: ndarray, qobs: ndarray, transform: str | None = None, epsilon: float = 0.01) tuple[ndarray, ndarray][source]

Transform flows before computing the objective function.

It is used to transform flows such that the objective function is computed on a transformed flow metric rather than on the original units of flow (ex: inverse, log-transformed, square-root)



Simulated streamflow vector.


Observed streamflow vector.

transformstr, optional

Indicates the type of transformation required. Can be one of the following values: - « sqrt » : Square root transformation of the flows [sqrt(Q)] - « log » : Logarithmic transformation of the flows [log(Q)] - « inv » : Inverse transformation of the flows [1/Q] The default value is « None », by which no transformation is performed.


Indicates the perturbation to add to the flow time series during a transformation to avoid division by zero and logarithmic transformation. The perturbation is equal to: perturbation = epsilon * mean(qobs). The default value is 0.01.



Transformed simulated flow according to user request.


Transformed observed flow according to user request.