1. Module SIG¶
Les opérations SIG font partie intégrante des processus hydrologiques. Cette page montre comment utiliser xhydro
pour effectuer des manipulations SIG telles que la délimitation des limites des bassins versants et l’extraction de variables physiographiques, climatologiques et géographiques à l’échelle du bassin versant.
import leafmap
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import xclim
import xdatasets as xd
from IPython.core.display import HTML, display
import xhydro.gis as xhgis
from xhydro.indicators import get_yearly_op
1.1. Délimitation du bassin versant¶
Actuellement, la délimitation des bassins versants utilise HydroBASINS (hybas_na_lev01-12_v1c) et peut fonctionner n’importe où en Amérique du Nord. Le processus consiste à évaluer tous les sous-bassins en amont à partir d’un exutoire spécifié et à les consolider en un bassin versant unifié. La librairie leafmap est utilisée pour générer des cartes interactives. Cette carte sert à sélectionner les exutoires ou à visualiser les limites des bassins versants qui en résultent. Bien que l’utilisation de la carte ne soit pas indispensable pour effectuer les calculs, elle s’avère utile à des fins de visualisation.
m = leafmap.Map(center=(48.63, -74.71), zoom=5, basemap="USGS Hydrography")
1.1.1. a) À partir d’une liste de coordonnées¶
Dans ce scénario, nous sélectionnons deux points d’écoulement, chacun représentant respectivement l’exutoire des bassins versants du Lac Saint-Jean et de la rivière des Outaouais.
lng_lat = [
(-69.81971, 48.14720), # Lac Saint-Jean watershed
(-74.393438, 45.572442), # Ottawa river watershed
1.1.2. b) À partir de marqueurs sur une carte¶
Au lieu d’utiliser une liste, une approche plus interactive consiste à sélectionner directement les points à partir de la carte m
existante. L’image suivante illustre le processus de sélection des points d’écoulement en faisant glisser des marqueurs vers les emplacements souhaités sur la carte.
The next cell is only useful for the documentation as it simulates a user selecting an outlet from the map m
. You should instead remove this code and interact with the map in object m
as shown above by positioning markers at sites of interest
m.draw_features = [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {},
"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-73.118597, 46.042467]},
] # Richelieu watershed
Après avoir sélectionné les points en utilisant l’approche a) ou b), ou une combinaison des deux, nous pouvons lancer le calcul de délimitation du bassin versant.
gdf = xhgis.watershed_delineation(coordinates=lng_lat, map=m)
HYBAS_ID | Upstream Area (sq. km). | geometry | category | color | |
0 | 7120034330 | 87595.8 | POLYGON ((-74.37864 48.88141, -74.37452 48.886... | 1 | #ffffd9 |
1 | 7120034330 | 87595.8 | POLYGON ((-74.33808 49.28658, -74.34388 49.288... | 1 | #ffffd9 |
2 | 7120034330 | 87595.8 | POLYGON ((-74.38747 49.38815, -74.38578 49.386... | 1 | #ffffd9 |
3 | 7120398781 | 144026.8 | POLYGON ((-80.07991 46.7786, -80.08529 46.7827... | 2 | #c7e9b4 |
4 | 7120398781 | 144026.8 | POLYGON ((-78.59583 45.475, -78.59675 45.46602... | 2 | #c7e9b4 |
5 | 7120382860 | 23717.7 | POLYGON ((-73.77437 43.36757, -73.77557 43.388... | 1 | #ffffd9 |
Les résultats sont stockés dans un objet GeoPandas gpd.GeoDataFrame
), ce qui nous permet d’enregistrer nos polygones dans divers formats courants tels qu’un ESRI Shapefile ou GeoJSON. Si une carte m
est présente, les polygones y seront automatiquement ajoutés. Si vous souhaitez visualiser la carte, tapez simplement m
dans la cellule de code pour la restituer. Si l’affichage direct de la carte n’est pas compatible avec votre interpréteur de notebooks, vous pouvez utiliser le code suivant pour extraire le code HTML de la carte et la tracer :
1.1.3. c) Depuis xdatasets¶
La délimitation automatique des limites des bassins versants est un outil précieux dans la boîte à outils, mais les utilisateurs sont encouragés à utiliser les limites officielles des bassins versants si elles existent déjà, au lieu d’en créer de nouvelles. Cette fonctionnalité récupère une liste de bassins à partir des ensembles de données pris en charge par xdatasets, et sur demande, xdatasets fournit un gpd.GeoDataFrame
contenant les limites précalculées de ces bassins. Les sources de bassin versant suivantes sont disponibles actuellement :
gdf = xd.Query(
"datasets": {
"deh_polygons": {
"id": ["031*", "0421*"],
"regulated": ["Natural"],
Station | Superficie | geometry | |
0 | 031501 | 21.868620 | POLYGON ((-72.47379 46.2334, -72.46888 46.2287... |
1 | 031502 | 15.708960 | POLYGON ((-72.50126 46.21216, -72.50086 46.213... |
2 | 042103 | 579.479614 | POLYGON ((-78.49014 46.64514, -78.4901 46.6450... |
1.2. Extraire les propriétés du bassin versant¶
Après avoir obtenu les limites de nos bassins versants, nous pouvons extraire des propriétés telles que des informations géographiques, la classification de l’utilisation des terres et des données climatologiques des bassins versants délimités.
1.2.1. a) Propriétés géographiques des bassins versants¶
Dans un premier temps, nous extrayons les propriétés géographiques du bassin versant, notamment le périmètre, la superficie totale, le coefficient de Gravelius et le centroïde du bassin. Il est important de noter que cette fonction renvoie toutes les colonnes présentes dans l’argument gpd.GeoDataFrame
Station | Superficie | area | perimeter | gravelius | centroid | |
0 | 031501 | 21.868620 | 2.186862e+07 | 27186.996845 | 1.640007 | (-72.48631199105834, 46.22277542928622) |
1 | 031502 | 15.708960 | 1.570896e+07 | 20263.293021 | 1.442220 | (-72.47966677792694, 46.21359517038631) |
2 | 042103 | 579.479614 | 5.794796e+08 | 283765.058390 | 3.325331 | (-78.37036445281987, 46.48287117609677) |
Pour plus de commodité, nous pouvons également récupérer les mêmes résultats sous la forme d’un xarray.Dataset
gdf[["Station", "geometry"]], unique_id="Station", output_format="xarray"
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 120B Dimensions: (Station: 3) Coordinates: * Station (Station) object 24B '031501' '031502' '042103' Data variables: area (Station) float64 24B 2.187e+07 1.571e+07 5.795e+08 perimeter (Station) float64 24B 2.719e+04 2.026e+04 2.838e+05 gravelius (Station) float64 24B 1.64 1.442 3.325 centroid (Station) object 24B (-72.48631199105834, 46.22277542928622) ....
- Station: 3
- Station(Station)object'031501' '031502' '042103'
array(['031501', '031502', '042103'], dtype=object)
- area(Station)float642.187e+07 1.571e+07 5.795e+08
- units :
- m2
array([2.18686190e+07, 1.57089594e+07, 5.79479640e+08])
- perimeter(Station)float642.719e+04 2.026e+04 2.838e+05
- units :
- m
array([ 27186.99684456, 20263.29302087, 283765.0583903 ])
- gravelius(Station)float641.64 1.442 3.325
- units :
- m/m
array([1.64000671, 1.44221957, 3.3253311 ])
- centroid(Station)object(-72.48631199105834, 46.22277542...
- units :
- ('degree_east', 'degree_north')
array([(-72.48631199105834, 46.22277542928622), (-72.47966677792694, 46.21359517038631), (-78.37036445281987, 46.48287117609677)], dtype=object)
- StationPandasIndex
PandasIndex(Index(['031501', '031502', '042103'], dtype='object', name='Station'))
We can also extract the surface properties for the same gpd.GeoDataFrame
elevation | slope | aspect | proj:shape | band | platform | epsg | time | gsd | proj:epsg | spatial_ref | |
geometry | |||||||||||
0 | 33.573009 | 0.324613 | 239.025970 | {1200} | data | TanDEM-X | 4326 | 2021-04-22 | 90 | 4326 | 0 |
1 | 51.393295 | 0.518484 | 242.431335 | {1200} | data | TanDEM-X | 4326 | 2021-04-22 | 90 | 4326 | 0 |
2 | 358.549866 | 2.500644 | 178.557648 | {1200} | data | TanDEM-X | 4326 | 2021-04-22 | 90 | 4326 | 0 |
Again, for convenience, we can output the results in xarray.Dataset
format :
gdf[["Station", "geometry"]], output_format="xarray", unique_id="Station"
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 180B Dimensions: (Station: 3) Coordinates: proj:shape object 8B {1200} band <U4 16B 'data' platform <U8 32B 'TanDEM-X' epsg int64 8B 4326 time datetime64[ns] 8B 2021-04-22 gsd int64 8B 90 proj:epsg int64 8B 4326 spatial_ref int64 8B 0 geometry (Station) object 24B POLYGON ((-306224.9316606918 257197.438... * Station (Station) object 24B '031501' '031502' '042103' Data variables: elevation (Station) float32 12B 33.57 51.39 358.5 slope (Station) float32 12B 0.3246 0.5185 2.501 aspect (Station) float32 12B 239.0 242.4 178.6 Attributes: spec: RasterSpec(epsg=4326, bounds=(-79.00083333333333, 46.0, -72.... resolution: 0.0008333333333333334 _FillValue: nan
- Station: 3
- proj:shape()object{1200}
array({1200}, dtype=object)
- band()<U4'data'
array('data', dtype='<U4')
- platform()<U8'TanDEM-X'
array('TanDEM-X', dtype='<U8')
- epsg()int644326
- time()datetime64[ns]2021-04-22
array('2021-04-22T00:00:00.000000000', dtype='datetime64[ns]')
- gsd()int6490
- proj:epsg()int644326
- spatial_ref()int640
- crs_wkt :
- PROJCS["NAD83(CSRS)v2 / Quebec Lambert",GEOGCS["NAD83(CSRS)v2",DATUM["North_American_Datum_of_1983_CSRS_version_2",SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","1193"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","8237"]],PROJECTION["Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",44],PARAMETER["central_meridian",-68.5],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_1",60],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_2",46],PARAMETER["false_easting",0],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Easting",EAST],AXIS["Northing",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6622"]]
- semi_major_axis :
- 6378137.0
- semi_minor_axis :
- 6356752.314140356
- inverse_flattening :
- 298.257222101
- reference_ellipsoid_name :
- GRS 1980
- longitude_of_prime_meridian :
- 0.0
- prime_meridian_name :
- Greenwich
- geographic_crs_name :
- NAD83(CSRS)v2
- horizontal_datum_name :
- North American Datum of 1983 (CSRS) version 2
- projected_crs_name :
- NAD83(CSRS)v2 / Quebec Lambert
- grid_mapping_name :
- lambert_conformal_conic
- standard_parallel :
- (60.0, 46.0)
- latitude_of_projection_origin :
- 44.0
- longitude_of_central_meridian :
- -68.5
- false_easting :
- 0.0
- false_northing :
- 0.0
- spatial_ref :
- PROJCS["NAD83(CSRS)v2 / Quebec Lambert",GEOGCS["NAD83(CSRS)v2",DATUM["North_American_Datum_of_1983_CSRS_version_2",SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","1193"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","8237"]],PROJECTION["Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",44],PARAMETER["central_meridian",-68.5],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_1",60],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_2",46],PARAMETER["false_easting",0],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Easting",EAST],AXIS["Northing",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6622"]]
- GeoTransform :
- -810369.8763021964 322.67852550302985 0.0 392130.90402443166 0.0 -322.67852550302985
- geometry(Station)objectPOLYGON ((-306224.9316606918 257...
- crs :
- EPSG:6622
array([<POLYGON ((-306224.932 257197.439, -305875.671 256657.711, -305767.776 25656...>, <POLYGON ((-308472.061 254960.004, -308435.028 255062.648, -308413.285 25520...>, <POLYGON ((-761385.594 347655.489, -761383.379 347649.173, -761390.035 34763...>], dtype=object)
- Station(Station)object'031501' '031502' '042103'
array(['031501', '031502', '042103'], dtype=object)
- elevation(Station)float3233.57 51.39 358.5
- units :
- m
array([ 33.57301 , 51.393295, 358.54987 ], dtype=float32)
- slope(Station)float320.3246 0.5185 2.501
- units :
- degrees
array([0.3246129 , 0.51848364, 2.500644 ], dtype=float32)
- aspect(Station)float32239.0 242.4 178.6
- units :
- degrees
array([239.02597, 242.43134, 178.55765], dtype=float32)
- StationPandasIndex
PandasIndex(Index(['031501', '031502', '042103'], dtype='object', name='Station'))
- spec :
- RasterSpec(epsg=4326, bounds=(-79.00083333333333, 46.0, -72.0, 47.00083333333334), resolutions_xy=(0.0008333333333333334, 0.0008333333333333334))
- resolution :
- 0.0008333333333333334
- _FillValue :
- nan
1.2.2. b) Classification de l’utilisation des terres¶
La classification de l’utilisation des terres est alimentée par le catalogue STAC de Planetary Computer. Il utilise par défaut l’ensemble de données « 10m Annual Land Use Land Cover » (io-lulc-9-class), mais d’autres collections peuvent être spécifiées en utilisant l’argument collection.
df = xhgis.land_use_classification(gdf, unique_id="Station")
pct_built_area | pct_crops | pct_trees | pct_rangeland | pct_water | pct_snow/ice | pct_bare_ground | pct_flooded_vegetation | |
Station | ||||||||
031501 | 0.015321 | 0.724102 | 0.255548 | 0.005029 | 0.00000 | 0.000000e+00 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
031502 | 0.009526 | 0.670792 | 0.312680 | 0.007002 | 0.00000 | 0.000000e+00 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
042103 | 0.000013 | 0.000000 | 0.890441 | 0.024052 | 0.08537 | 3.444143e-07 | 0.000011 | 0.000113 |
ax = xhgis.land_use_plot(gdf, unique_id="Station", idx=2)
1.2.3. c) Indicateurs climatiques¶
L’étape d’extraction des indicateurs climatiques est la plus complexe. En effet, pour ce faire, l’accès à un jeu de données météorologiques pour les différents bassins versants au sein de notre objet gdf
est requis. Heureusement, xdatasets
facilite précisément de telles opérations. En effet, xdatasets
permet d’extraire d’un jeu de données sur grille tous les pixels contenus dans un bassin versant tout en respectant la proportion du bassin versant coupant chaque pixel. Par la suite, la fonction get_yearly_op
, construite sur la bibliothèque xclim
, offre une flexibilité impressionnante dans la définition d’indicateurs adaptés aux besoins de l’utilisateur.
Pour lancer le processus, nous utilisons les données de réanalyse ERA5-Land couvrant la période de 1981 à 2010 comme jeu de données climatologiques.
datasets = {
"era5_land_reanalysis": {"variables": ["t2m", "tp", "sd"]},
space = {
"clip": "polygon", # bbox, point or polygon
"averaging": True,
"geometry": gdf.iloc[0:2], # select the 2 first polygons
"unique_id": "Station",
time = {
"start": "1981-01-01",
"end": "2010-12-31",
"timezone": "America/Montreal",
ds = xd.Query(datasets=datasets, space=space, time=time).data.squeeze()
Étant donné que les prochaines étapes utilisent xclim sous le capot, le jeu de données doit être conforme aux normes CF. Au minimum, le xarray.DataArray
utilisé doit suivre ces principes :
Le jeu de données a besoin d’une dimension temporelle, généralement à une fréquence quotidienne sans pas de temps manquants (les NaN sont pris en charge). Si vos données diffèrent de celles-ci, vous devrez être très prudent sur les résultats fournis.
S’il existe une dimension spatiale, telle que ``Station``dans l’exemple ci-dessous, elle a besoin d’un attribut
comme valeur.La variable aura au moins besoin d’un attribut
, bien que d’autres attributs tels quelong_name
soient également attendus parxclim
et des avertissements seront générés s’ils sont manquants .Bien que cela ne soit pas nécessaire pour get_yearly_op, les noms de variables doivent être parmi ceux pris en charge ici pour une compatibilité maximale.
Le code suivant ajoute les attributs manquants :
ds = ds.rename({"t2m": "tas", "tp": "pr", "sd": "snd"})
ds["tas"] = xclim.core.units.convert_units_to(
ds["tas"], "degC"
) # Convert from degK to degC
ds["tas"].attrs.update({"cell_methods": "time: mean"})
ds["pr"].attrs.update({"units": "m d-1", "cell_methods": "time: mean within days"})
ds["pr"] = xclim.core.units.convert_units_to(
ds["pr"], "mm d-1"
) # Convert from m/d to mm/d
ds["snd"].attrs.update({"units": "m", "cell_methods": "time: mean within days"})
ds["snd"] = xclim.core.units.convert_units_to(ds["snd"], "mm") # Convert from m to mm
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 15MB Dimensions: (Station: 2, time: 262968) Coordinates: * time (time) datetime64[ns] 2MB 1981-01-01 ... 2010-12-31T23:00:00 * Station (Station) object 16B '031501' '031502' source <U20 80B 'era5_land_reanalysis' Data variables: tas (Station, time) float64 4MB -23.29 -23.28 -23.49 ... 2.734 2.454 pr (Station, time) float64 4MB 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.01582 0.3079 1.186 snd (Station, time) float64 4MB 55.07 55.07 55.07 ... 35.57 35.27 35.01
- Station: 2
- time: 262968
- time(time)datetime64[ns]1981-01-01 ... 2010-12-31T23:00:00
array(['1981-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '1981-01-01T01:00:00.000000000', '1981-01-01T02:00:00.000000000', ..., '2010-12-31T21:00:00.000000000', '2010-12-31T22:00:00.000000000', '2010-12-31T23:00:00.000000000'], dtype='datetime64[ns]')
- Station(Station)object'031501' '031502'
- cf_role :
- timeseries_id
array(['031501', '031502'], dtype=object)
- source()<U20'era5_land_reanalysis'
array('era5_land_reanalysis', dtype='<U20')
- tas(Station, time)float64-23.29 -23.28 ... 2.734 2.454
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
array([[-23.28822588, -23.27912287, -23.49087885, ..., 2.83788666, 2.70646034, 2.4310486 ], [-23.31938812, -23.30393538, -23.54079412, ..., 2.86474679, 2.73432873, 2.45404823]])
- pr(Station, time)float640.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.3079 1.186
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- tp
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- Total precipitation
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 228
- GRIB_shortName :
- tp
- GRIB_stepType :
- accum
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- m
- long_name :
- Total precipitation
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- mm d-1
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
array([[0. , 0. , 0. , ..., 0.02059773, 0.31644976, 1.18959296], [0. , 0. , 0. , ..., 0.01582056, 0.30786078, 1.18625827]])
- snd(Station, time)float6455.07 55.07 55.07 ... 35.27 35.01
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- sd
- GRIB_dataType :
- an
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- Snow depth
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 141
- GRIB_shortName :
- sd
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- m of water equivalent
- long_name :
- Snow depth
- standard_name :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
array([[55.0743319 , 55.07432449, 55.07432449, ..., 35.97044805, 35.67134084, 35.41302639], [54.10321706, 54.10320674, 54.10320674, ..., 35.57231545, 35.26789736, 35.00541001]])
- timePandasIndex
PandasIndex(DatetimeIndex(['1981-01-01 00:00:00', '1981-01-01 01:00:00', '1981-01-01 02:00:00', '1981-01-01 03:00:00', '1981-01-01 04:00:00', '1981-01-01 05:00:00', '1981-01-01 06:00:00', '1981-01-01 07:00:00', '1981-01-01 08:00:00', '1981-01-01 09:00:00', ... '2010-12-31 14:00:00', '2010-12-31 15:00:00', '2010-12-31 16:00:00', '2010-12-31 17:00:00', '2010-12-31 18:00:00', '2010-12-31 19:00:00', '2010-12-31 20:00:00', '2010-12-31 21:00:00', '2010-12-31 22:00:00', '2010-12-31 23:00:00'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='time', length=262968, freq=None))
- StationPandasIndex
PandasIndex(Index(['031501', '031502'], dtype='object', name='Station'))
Dans la deuxième étape, nous pouvons définir les saisons à l’aide d’indexeurs compatibles avec xclim.core.calendar.select_time
. Il existe actuellement quatre types d’indexeurs acceptés :
, suivi d’une séquence de numéros de mois.season
, suivi d’un ou plusieurs de'DJF'
, suivi d’une séquence représentant les limites inclusives de la période à considérer ('start'
, qui est le même que ci-dessus, mais en utilisant un format mois-jour ('%m-%d'
Ensuite, nous précisons les opérations que nous avons l’intention de calculer pour chaque variable. Les opérations prises en charge incluent \max\
, \min\
, \mean\
et \sum\
timeargs = {
"01": {"month": [1]},
"02": {"month": [2]},
"03": {"month": [3]},
"04": {"month": [4]},
"05": {"month": [5]},
"06": {"month": [6]},
"07": {"month": [7]},
"08": {"month": [8]},
"09": {"month": [9]},
"10": {"month": [10]},
"11": {"month": [11]},
"12": {"month": [12]},
"spring": {"date_bounds": ["02-11", "06-19"]},
"summer_fall": {"date_bounds": ["06-20", "11-19"]},
"year": {"date_bounds": ["01-01", "12-31"]},
operations = {
"tas": ["max", "mean", "min"],
"pr": ["sum"],
"snd": ["mean"],
La combinaison des timeargs
et des operations
à travers le produit cartésien produit rapidement une vaste gamme d’indicateurs climatiques.
ds_climatology = xr.merge(
get_yearly_op(ds, input_var=variable, op=op, timeargs=timeargs)
for (variable, ops) in operations.items()
for op in ops
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 36kB Dimensions: (Station: 2, time: 30) Coordinates: * Station (Station) object 16B '031501' '031502' source <U20 80B 'era5_land_reanalysis' * time (time) datetime64[ns] 240B 1981-01-01 ... 2010-01-01 Data variables: (12/75) tas_max_01 (Station, time) float64 480B 5.1 3.616 ... 9.685 tas_max_02 (Station, time) float64 480B 13.23 1.781 ... 5.404 tas_max_03 (Station, time) float64 480B 11.61 10.72 ... 11.53 tas_max_04 (Station, time) float64 480B 19.4 20.66 ... 25.72 25.3 tas_max_05 (Station, time) float64 480B 24.39 28.17 ... 31.67 tas_max_06 (Station, time) float64 480B 29.32 28.33 ... 28.63 ... ... snd_mean_10 (Station, time) float64 480B 0.3611 ... 0.0389 snd_mean_11 (Station, time) float64 480B 4.29 2.369 ... 2.396 snd_mean_12 (Station, time) float64 480B 44.07 5.757 ... 29.87 snd_mean_spring (Station, time) float64 480B 6.949 92.08 ... 16.39 snd_mean_summer_fall (Station, time) float64 480B 0.1345 0.1227 ... 0.03939 snd_mean_year (Station, time) float64 480B 14.36 47.45 ... 15.62 Attributes: cat:variable: ('tas_max_01',) cat:xrfreq: YS-JAN cat:frequency: yr cat:processing_level: indicators cat:id:
- Station: 2
- time: 30
- Station(Station)object'031501' '031502'
- cf_role :
- timeseries_id
array(['031501', '031502'], dtype=object)
- source()<U20'era5_land_reanalysis'
array('era5_land_reanalysis', dtype='<U20')
- time(time)datetime64[ns]1981-01-01 ... 2010-01-01
array(['1981-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '1982-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '1983-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '1984-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '1985-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '1986-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '1987-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '1988-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '1989-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '1990-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '1991-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '1992-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '1993-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '1994-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '1995-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '1996-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '1997-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '1998-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '1999-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '2000-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '2001-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '2002-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '2003-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '2004-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '2005-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '2006-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '2007-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '2008-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '2009-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '2010-01-01T00:00:00.000000000'], dtype='datetime64[ns]')
- tas_max_01(Station, time)float645.1 3.616 5.859 ... -0.3561 9.685
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Maximum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:31] tas_max_01: fa.TAS_MAX_01(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual maximum of variable (m[1]).
array([[ 5.09970691, 3.61586845, 5.85897762, 2.75846328, 1.34307291, 7.49477154, -0.11705404, 6.69048937, 5.34372221, 6.62090344, 2.88713625, 4.73808158, 6.49090408, 6.78730596, 11.8859219 , 12.27703871, 5.59873414, 4.81807481, 9.12391615, 7.72375127, 0.33653023, 4.61963334, 2.49816324, 4.16637352, 11.49726808, 7.28978196, 7.10318437, 9.97727853, -0.37815915, 9.64856609], [ 5.13596802, 3.66389416, 5.94927364, 2.86461978, 1.6044473 , 7.55658552, -0.12096146, 6.72489395, 5.3503708 , 6.67676318, 2.95212524, 4.78564514, 6.53726962, 6.84094489, 11.93967389, 12.29901885, 5.60932652, 4.84007213, 9.19720727, 7.77476672, 0.34040129, 4.63641678, 2.49362044, 4.18374474, 11.53360721, 7.33617264, 7.14414695, 10.01457632, -0.3560501 , 9.68517166]])
- tas_max_02(Station, time)float6413.23 1.781 5.897 ... 7.938 5.404
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Maximum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:32] tas_max_02: fa.TAS_MAX_02(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual maximum of variable (m[2]).
array([[13.23417627, 1.78066639, 5.897047 , 8.38189383, 6.23187165, 3.94734765, 1.72950889, 6.77379236, 4.10767795, 5.71540183, 5.29444258, 2.95601844, -1.41509585, 8.87637843, 3.55655692, 6.42812942, 4.57582234, 4.88777957, 8.28514644, 11.30437158, 7.53491747, 9.44713227, 2.53418957, 4.15654975, 5.40768459, 6.84880538, 0.68767794, 8.8238776 , 7.90971405, 5.38684185], [13.34969872, 1.86742987, 5.9609517 , 8.46455814, 6.29953302, 3.97536084, 1.67496152, 6.80201182, 4.09883566, 5.74894162, 5.31779196, 3.01001241, -1.42117652, 8.91966168, 3.58702761, 6.46013123, 4.63344934, 4.89811674, 8.35465443, 11.35825516, 7.56801031, 9.48811607, 2.56849365, 4.17502177, 5.44809709, 6.97055326, 0.69044224, 8.87410101, 7.93780327, 5.40386331]])
- tas_max_03(Station, time)float6411.61 10.72 8.643 ... 11.29 11.53
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Maximum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:32] tas_max_03: fa.TAS_MAX_03(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual maximum of variable (m[3]).
array([[11.61305029, 10.71718777, 8.64309063, 10.32050539, 9.69716317, 18.77961093, 17.23333721, 14.9954171 , 14.51459046, 15.20588053, 12.78535033, 9.73250638, 12.86451641, 7.32756386, 10.49041347, 13.07040811, 12.42694272, 16.07648374, 11.62595186, 14.99437443, 10.48934295, 11.11485805, 15.01684557, 15.03942675, 12.45393504, 16.75749747, 10.84847393, 6.03940021, 11.28109953, 11.39654197], [11.70581574, 10.77295229, 8.65726578, 10.3744815 , 9.70867323, 18.83533191, 17.29872489, 15.25949404, 14.62612218, 15.27950093, 12.90176465, 9.75789743, 12.90706973, 7.34762863, 10.57412707, 13.17452561, 12.44742536, 16.23122463, 11.67172479, 15.04303022, 10.49061158, 11.16985495, 14.99866121, 15.62845381, 12.50942322, 16.76794633, 10.89478063, 6.09437931, 11.28973406, 11.53320403]])
- tas_max_04(Station, time)float6419.4 20.66 19.51 ... 25.72 25.3
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Maximum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:32] tas_max_04: fa.TAS_MAX_04(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual maximum of variable (m[4]).
array([[19.39515357, 20.66427124, 19.51287867, 25.47683751, 20.6514128 , 26.68252749, 26.4755039 , 16.25758269, 17.1177428 , 27.96696261, 20.64237561, 22.43228958, 21.59984323, 19.98165245, 16.07924523, 18.39598937, 18.90702826, 20.94077889, 18.2127576 , 15.91616279, 18.26979463, 23.70899174, 20.00611052, 23.76413551, 19.63660639, 21.60530847, 23.87053729, 21.6293612 , 25.70181959, 25.23736619], [19.4313783 , 20.697013 , 19.52842706, 25.49956609, 20.68849699, 26.69084351, 26.45252279, 16.34621327, 17.09906318, 27.95275766, 20.60780575, 22.49067426, 21.61153513, 20.01534891, 16.13155258, 18.42029146, 19.01571499, 20.92494221, 18.19802506, 15.95383941, 18.38983146, 23.71937057, 20.05056598, 23.77668492, 19.64146391, 21.7433102 , 23.8861419 , 21.66154222, 25.71552535, 25.30033799]])
- tas_max_05(Station, time)float6424.39 28.17 21.1 ... 26.65 31.67
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Maximum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:32] tas_max_05: fa.TAS_MAX_05(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual maximum of variable (m[5]).
array([[24.38602987, 28.16957303, 21.10499226, 24.25835686, 25.65742324, 28.02222953, 28.53325718, 24.40578997, 28.77736928, 24.83001733, 29.62038136, 28.9132663 , 23.88875426, 27.1079459 , 25.77400616, 25.74897614, 22.38804048, 28.57039661, 30.14537914, 26.50799883, 26.39230463, 25.70207489, 26.46354055, 27.87620306, 24.9409834 , 28.75223319, 29.06376559, 24.19901454, 26.65315594, 31.7088411 ], [24.40006753, 28.18414887, 21.11704976, 24.27472971, 25.65826026, 28.08036824, 28.5567923 , 24.38715924, 28.76091707, 24.86806156, 29.58633315, 28.90071095, 23.8882835 , 27.0914646 , 25.75852518, 25.75607893, 22.39873203, 28.57913775, 30.15038937, 26.51920608, 26.38742174, 25.70627389, 26.44962124, 27.90784929, 24.95241214, 28.77514752, 29.05682014, 24.20595933, 26.65110504, 31.66957835]])
- tas_max_06(Station, time)float6429.32 28.33 31.99 ... 29.33 28.63
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Maximum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:32] tas_max_06: fa.TAS_MAX_06(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual maximum of variable (m[6]).
array([[29.32042026, 28.32576472, 31.99417065, 29.25685908, 26.23459714, 26.56160073, 30.98791636, 33.48695397, 31.71860745, 27.22914627, 31.34577554, 29.45845522, 28.27114106, 32.07804509, 34.08436674, 27.54956721, 31.38521307, 29.42217243, 31.29059367, 27.78569721, 32.41092857, 27.25306955, 32.66015494, 28.03907184, 31.37836526, 30.19420228, 30.12521476, 29.65699452, 29.31982926, 28.63271835], [29.3232176 , 28.32163051, 31.96959878, 29.26108121, 26.24084109, 26.6111484 , 30.96444135, 33.47419035, 31.71416189, 27.2412937 , 31.32595475, 29.46571538, 28.25571497, 32.06233932, 34.11716534, 27.5321431 , 31.37992645, 29.4280263 , 31.29507563, 27.80230808, 32.40356792, 27.25652011, 32.63969415, 28.03661036, 31.37597518, 30.20078541, 30.12753872, 29.64117769, 29.32715883, 28.6320129 ]])
- tas_max_07(Station, time)float6431.24 32.11 33.11 ... 27.89 32.42
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Maximum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:32] tas_max_07: fa.TAS_MAX_07(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual maximum of variable (m[7]).
array([[31.23996103, 32.10647083, 33.10613756, 29.93280616, 31.14183534, 30.53145267, 31.93422015, 33.39342194, 31.61153884, 29.99426495, 33.16331222, 26.55791614, 32.45545356, 30.44989024, 32.1329486 , 27.02761575, 29.67049013, 30.04351186, 30.95179553, 26.96749387, 30.58251151, 31.83551545, 28.45266753, 29.75060225, 30.40140125, 31.0491655 , 29.3688965 , 30.00300746, 27.85929982, 32.42969783], [31.24724762, 32.09330985, 33.10581228, 29.90197182, 31.16195562, 30.54419049, 31.93373816, 33.42221195, 31.59700729, 29.98908743, 33.14753505, 26.57391678, 32.46203007, 30.4658307 , 32.15847185, 27.01222469, 29.66154006, 30.05423316, 30.96137765, 26.9743732 , 30.60040171, 31.80143749, 28.49706477, 29.76107429, 30.39498802, 31.02933808, 29.36349353, 30.01969436, 27.89154373, 32.42311336]])
- tas_max_08(Station, time)float6428.18 26.86 28.8 ... 30.24 31.48
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Maximum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:32] tas_max_08: fa.TAS_MAX_08(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual maximum of variable (m[8]).
array([[28.17966358, 26.85535179, 28.80468796, 30.21855922, 29.42490858, 26.40210622, 30.28561027, 32.76663754, 28.44456825, 30.43126315, 29.68052601, 28.37168961, 30.26502452, 27.22189891, 30.03467127, 29.93451 , 30.3023172 , 29.93087748, 28.23554437, 25.91378625, 32.19596358, 32.60162181, 28.79110356, 27.14498163, 29.7177641 , 29.63492607, 31.10080751, 27.40994338, 30.2338651 , 31.51508876], [28.17502424, 26.85288302, 28.77760105, 30.19541016, 29.42109236, 26.40442951, 30.29332925, 32.7711076 , 28.42752694, 30.38747611, 29.65635216, 28.37082745, 30.24699413, 27.22796501, 30.03806828, 29.93770536, 30.28266697, 29.92472608, 28.22448852, 25.91630063, 32.20339165, 32.60950278, 28.78978453, 27.12999917, 29.71600212, 29.65315478, 31.1013523 , 27.43769804, 30.24413682, 31.48122368]])
- tas_max_09(Station, time)float6425.26 27.06 30.07 ... 24.02 31.21
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Maximum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:32] tas_max_09: fa.TAS_MAX_09(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual maximum of variable (m[9]).
array([[25.26334592, 27.05687938, 30.07035057, 23.75177961, 27.23758261, 22.8107774 , 24.29402437, 25.45705246, 27.35301185, 25.39005673, 23.6744446 , 25.8353973 , 26.82559265, 22.32231191, 24.41230352, 27.16377256, 23.73894301, 24.9241144 , 31.16370321, 25.04506065, 28.45385643, 31.58852846, 27.07255084, 24.33110023, 28.69326885, 23.89180609, 29.58471441, 29.66486755, 24.04060486, 31.18047607], [25.27684937, 27.06914911, 30.07543815, 23.80141125, 27.22537106, 22.77449977, 24.28399329, 25.45368254, 27.36484323, 25.39440316, 23.67718376, 25.85667132, 26.84348551, 22.37227545, 24.41102615, 27.17697053, 23.71876056, 24.93549883, 31.15934487, 25.07230623, 28.47071589, 31.54860191, 27.09089394, 24.36014811, 28.71029031, 23.9219343 , 29.61353089, 29.71428101, 24.02241514, 31.20625519]])
- tas_max_10(Station, time)float6414.22 18.71 23.7 ... 15.56 17.8
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Maximum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:32] tas_max_10: fa.TAS_MAX_10(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual maximum of variable (m[10]).
array([[14.21522858, 18.71072218, 23.69887328, 20.81871398, 18.90669892, 18.9271361 , 19.94816343, 22.04048694, 19.43787176, 22.28717467, 23.40753457, 18.16148173, 18.44713244, 21.2148752 , 21.8617981 , 19.11045932, 20.86434097, 20.39946468, 18.69863101, 21.13150452, 21.76957439, 23.97855868, 21.45896481, 22.05750783, 24.45332557, 19.85304008, 22.8255687 , 20.99833958, 15.51581298, 17.81005604], [14.23614095, 18.73818792, 23.70984449, 20.83187957, 18.91216868, 18.91920486, 19.97568273, 22.06416756, 19.51036022, 22.31422388, 23.51396147, 18.18981293, 18.47579553, 21.2380236 , 21.87099609, 19.12549863, 20.87360905, 20.43871421, 18.73563856, 21.1417174 , 21.81562522, 23.99102411, 21.48171586, 22.07891209, 24.47015216, 19.83641531, 22.85279576, 21.03604862, 15.55628433, 17.80116019]])
- tas_max_11(Station, time)float6410.87 17.99 12.98 ... 14.52 10.56
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Maximum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:32] tas_max_11: fa.TAS_MAX_11(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual maximum of variable (m[11]).
array([[10.86798871, 17.98689099, 12.9784809 , 12.39670398, 15.82966021, 12.26194062, 14.59106206, 18.04080973, 17.6654675 , 15.68103446, 15.80102072, 12.78218631, 12.08320133, 15.61558057, 14.06306938, 18.72976064, 17.22767828, 10.92935027, 18.57786503, 11.72328105, 16.36810215, 16.92596388, 15.59591226, 12.45248948, 16.74528957, 17.62491134, 12.83015589, 15.90801443, 14.45623441, 10.46887833], [10.8757429 , 18.05123932, 13.08662352, 12.40611287, 15.87020229, 12.27761464, 14.63143553, 18.10648566, 17.70994743, 15.74535237, 15.85830987, 12.81175251, 12.15557411, 15.65043365, 14.12704083, 18.75968654, 17.29147187, 10.94785338, 18.58779894, 11.75887174, 16.44310632, 16.96068912, 15.62043981, 12.51833202, 16.7746892 , 17.66230962, 12.84752777, 15.92718333, 14.52322669, 10.55562463]])
- tas_max_12(Station, time)float644.383 13.13 4.912 ... 5.402 7.817
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Maximum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:32] tas_max_12: fa.TAS_MAX_12(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual maximum of variable (m[12]).
array([[ 4.38271191, 13.13448333, 4.91219235, 7.68183075, 6.54147667, 3.28572371, 4.88942874, 6.27181673, 3.93740904, 6.16202592, 8.44480589, 6.30659249, 5.14781433, 7.26483431, 1.7370562 , 9.64866386, 2.35797816, 12.39294195, 10.57464023, 11.47649713, 12.47851361, 4.83473215, 7.08702087, 10.97439091, 3.58260414, 7.32721918, 8.4814405 , 8.83115662, 5.36762827, 7.78541986], [ 4.46127376, 13.17231467, 4.92873977, 7.72100687, 6.65238686, 3.3039907 , 4.96900224, 6.29090628, 3.98108897, 6.35419013, 8.47780286, 6.32966815, 5.17392336, 7.26459563, 1.72744366, 9.69325748, 2.35369518, 12.43070917, 10.61234066, 11.55495519, 12.54211945, 4.95971243, 7.1396932 , 11.01516044, 3.56215591, 7.35059633, 8.54608436, 8.86871624, 5.40213796, 7.81652659]])
- tas_max_spring(Station, time)float6429.32 28.33 30.86 ... 26.65 31.67
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Maximum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:33] tas_max_spring: fa.TAS_MAX_SPRING(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual maximum of variable (02-11 to 06-19).
array([[29.32042026, 28.32576472, 30.85799541, 29.25685908, 25.65742324, 28.02222953, 28.53325718, 33.48695397, 28.77736928, 27.96696261, 29.62038136, 29.45845522, 28.27114106, 32.07804509, 34.08436674, 27.54956721, 31.38521307, 28.57039661, 30.21050022, 26.50799883, 32.41092857, 25.70207489, 26.46354055, 28.03907184, 29.28987935, 30.19420228, 30.12521476, 29.65699452, 26.65315594, 31.7088411 ], [29.3232176 , 28.32163051, 30.85893027, 29.26108121, 25.65826026, 28.08036824, 28.5567923 , 33.47419035, 28.76091707, 27.95275766, 29.58633315, 29.46571538, 28.25571497, 32.06233932, 34.11716534, 27.5321431 , 31.37992645, 28.57913775, 30.1961637 , 26.51920608, 32.40356792, 25.70627389, 26.44962124, 28.03661036, 29.28796266, 30.20078541, 30.12753872, 29.64117769, 26.65110504, 31.66957835]])
- tas_max_summer_fall(Station, time)float6431.24 32.11 33.11 ... 30.24 32.42
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Maximum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:39] tas_max_summer_fall: fa.TAS_MAX_SUMMER_FALL(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual maximum of variable (06-20 to 11-19).
array([[31.23996103, 32.10647083, 33.10613756, 30.21855922, 31.14183534, 30.53145267, 31.93422015, 33.39342194, 31.71860745, 30.43126315, 33.16331222, 28.37168961, 32.45545356, 30.44989024, 32.1329486 , 29.93451 , 30.3023172 , 30.04351186, 31.29059367, 27.78569721, 32.19596358, 32.60162181, 32.66015494, 29.75060225, 31.37836526, 31.0491655 , 31.10080751, 30.00300746, 30.2338651 , 32.42969783], [31.24724762, 32.09330985, 33.10581228, 30.19541016, 31.16195562, 30.54419049, 31.93373816, 33.42221195, 31.71416189, 30.38747611, 33.14753505, 28.37082745, 32.46203007, 30.4658307 , 32.15847185, 29.93770536, 30.28266697, 30.05423316, 31.29507563, 27.80230808, 32.20339165, 32.60950278, 32.63969415, 29.76107429, 31.37597518, 31.02933808, 31.1013523 , 30.01969436, 30.24413682, 32.42311336]])
- tas_max_year(Station, time)float6431.24 32.11 33.11 ... 30.24 32.42
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Maximum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:40] tas_max_year: fa.TAS_MAX_YEAR(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual maximum of variable (01-01 to 12-31).
array([[31.23996103, 32.10647083, 33.10613756, 30.21855922, 31.14183534, 30.53145267, 31.93422015, 33.48695397, 31.71860745, 30.43126315, 33.16331222, 29.45845522, 32.45545356, 32.07804509, 34.08436674, 29.93451 , 31.38521307, 30.04351186, 31.29059367, 27.78569721, 32.41092857, 32.60162181, 32.66015494, 29.75060225, 31.37836526, 31.0491655 , 31.10080751, 30.00300746, 30.2338651 , 32.42969783], [31.24724762, 32.09330985, 33.10581228, 30.19541016, 31.16195562, 30.54419049, 31.93373816, 33.47419035, 31.71416189, 30.38747611, 33.14753505, 29.46571538, 32.46203007, 32.06233932, 34.11716534, 29.93770536, 31.37992645, 30.05423316, 31.29507563, 27.80230808, 32.40356792, 32.60950278, 32.63969415, 29.76107429, 31.37597518, 31.02933808, 31.1013523 , 30.01969436, 30.24413682, 32.42311336]])
- tas_mean_01(Station, time)float64-15.86 -16.34 ... -14.99 -7.113
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:40] tas_mean_01: fa.TAS_MEAN_01(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[1]).
array([[-15.86497321, -16.33969214, -9.5379092 , -12.50628881, -14.69625288, -10.93495449, -11.05264325, -9.49931318, -8.85270443, -5.1113085 , -11.4012696 , -12.43469499, -11.25345114, -17.60201008, -7.29116191, -11.9134013 , -10.98860161, -8.57331874, -11.03580314, -11.24238475, -10.55424157, -6.02019414, -14.09076725, -16.17110177, -13.05489169, -5.98896853, -8.99857926, -7.81798324, -15.01662145, -7.12324418], [-15.85204089, -16.31593269, -9.51231017, -12.47395865, -14.67662927, -10.90640917, -11.04050004, -9.46673454, -8.81966244, -5.07693739, -11.36949852, -12.40671977, -11.20764284, -17.56982514, -7.26792561, -11.88660091, -10.96075682, -8.54645456, -11.00796165, -11.21431467, -10.53032237, -5.98221123, -14.06825017, -16.15107415, -13.01768498, -5.95911174, -8.95834323, -7.77952386, -14.99091126, -7.11272517]])
- tas_mean_02(Station, time)float64-2.475 -10.31 ... -7.602 -5.389
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:40] tas_mean_02: fa.TAS_MEAN_02(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[2]).
array([[ -2.47509696, -10.30819772, -7.43584723, -4.16102895, -7.24039875, -10.35927009, -11.65229745, -8.51372551, -10.30816849, -8.64124854, -6.94455197, -9.64027571, -14.51886715, -12.28660336, -10.91155566, -9.50406365, -8.08340566, -4.6653674 , -6.68371277, -7.79388107, -8.97387106, -6.30222918, -11.94089964, -8.07525905, -7.66764676, -8.77370237, -12.17486621, -8.21732003, -7.62501837, -5.38291391], [ -2.43698638, -10.28344197, -7.42050744, -4.14438962, -7.22609138, -10.34141862, -11.64427232, -8.49800543, -10.28707871, -8.61306009, -6.92650358, -9.61941284, -14.50711771, -12.25807179, -10.893613 , -9.48607898, -8.04891576, -4.65097791, -6.66088192, -7.76908265, -8.94777448, -6.26384159, -11.91324172, -8.06019374, -7.66248658, -8.75584106, -12.15530519, -8.19553529, -7.60154316, -5.38923762]])
- tas_mean_03(Station, time)float64-1.635 -3.247 ... -2.777 0.6431
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:40] tas_mean_03: fa.TAS_MEAN_03(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[3]).
array([[-1.63544624, -3.24685069, -1.57580582, -6.67214365, -3.61207681, -2.55116747, -1.27056596, -3.75577746, -5.44447142, -2.8805535 , -1.64632594, -5.58901258, -4.51408736, -2.81521978, -1.24918128, -3.76949835, -5.00317966, -1.89197577, -2.25587612, 0.79149641, -3.81389547, -2.91328866, -4.41978547, -1.22202072, -3.95391863, -2.18573737, -4.31405856, -4.77309835, -2.79936403, 0.62626561], [-1.61324985, -3.22766515, -1.5607546 , -6.66592181, -3.59181998, -2.53110823, -1.25526962, -3.73623218, -5.42400569, -2.86338379, -1.62166298, -5.57708542, -4.50525177, -2.80520317, -1.21949421, -3.73980562, -4.98832801, -1.87511659, -2.25200263, 0.81583901, -3.80919102, -2.87931863, -4.40191765, -1.18263204, -3.95048562, -2.18137094, -4.2963021 , -4.75396036, -2.77651311, 0.64305291]])
- tas_mean_04(Station, time)float646.281 2.67 4.771 ... 6.797 8.017
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:40] tas_mean_04: fa.TAS_MEAN_04(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[4]).
array([[6.28109057, 2.66984247, 4.77084856, 5.81513123, 3.70726319, 7.88694114, 8.61879036, 5.8590799 , 3.92507141, 5.71606466, 6.68971009, 4.14454043, 5.24044718, 4.16473368, 3.17204835, 4.58850744, 2.42582845, 6.3962715 , 4.50863309, 3.72537499, 3.66472829, 5.5816208 , 3.18501721, 5.03290392, 5.64818533, 6.59686488, 4.23907989, 6.02831622, 6.77309849, 8.00734885], [6.29511298, 2.70547092, 4.79010595, 5.84095006, 3.74826659, 7.91213493, 8.62473902, 5.88420185, 3.94925588, 5.75525645, 6.73536757, 4.18239831, 5.24867346, 4.2006522 , 3.18438054, 4.60913386, 2.45777832, 6.42122151, 4.53741596, 3.74116272, 3.68511133, 5.60182909, 3.21085545, 5.04813521, 5.66970041, 6.62949125, 4.25314231, 6.069413 , 6.79707876, 8.0170113 ]])
- tas_mean_05(Station, time)float6413.16 14.13 11.11 ... 12.07 15.1
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:40] tas_mean_05: fa.TAS_MEAN_05(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[5]).
array([[13.15798981, 14.12754246, 11.11322796, 11.24523919, 12.38268527, 13.47558656, 12.91071042, 14.34820064, 14.29280239, 11.66833555, 14.68055209, 13.06170429, 12.93540742, 11.7397972 , 12.47959729, 11.67883228, 9.47060602, 16.6644246 , 15.93482494, 12.06595739, 14.66671369, 10.66038296, 11.96409206, 12.92204562, 10.47150782, 13.6839104 , 12.68451552, 11.83570534, 12.06039552, 15.1006321 ], [13.16973744, 14.1346568 , 11.13017231, 11.25152928, 12.39462974, 13.49167982, 12.92189564, 14.3525558 , 14.29785562, 11.66908982, 14.68760562, 13.06591866, 12.93915945, 11.74650875, 12.48779961, 11.6822183 , 9.47802694, 16.66956391, 15.93778305, 12.08296005, 14.67743648, 10.66720033, 11.97007353, 12.94039354, 10.47171217, 13.69385444, 12.68304905, 11.83939265, 12.06952066, 15.1028719 ]])
- tas_mean_06(Station, time)float6418.27 17.17 19.02 ... 17.12 17.91
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:40] tas_mean_06: fa.TAS_MEAN_06(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[6]).
array([[18.26507679, 17.17482526, 19.0160964 , 18.00491928, 16.37981808, 15.60605555, 18.71867416, 17.76130347, 18.52897791, 17.87974495, 19.34120491, 17.58224456, 17.55651857, 19.15910273, 20.21092894, 18.38769224, 19.38101058, 18.26093618, 20.42136401, 16.5314388 , 19.48926951, 16.77103902, 18.41433778, 16.67186829, 20.27921135, 19.05670585, 19.08395387, 18.44444853, 17.12054581, 17.90871917], [18.27285436, 17.17794567, 19.02218762, 18.01294608, 16.3835027 , 15.61522533, 18.71690424, 17.7603421 , 18.53709793, 17.88517077, 19.33312913, 17.58410017, 17.55451105, 19.163925 , 20.21538821, 18.38653562, 19.38460282, 18.26155786, 20.4274404 , 16.54060553, 19.4947501 , 16.78252499, 18.41309458, 16.67807789, 20.28945648, 19.05675075, 19.08432029, 18.4598132 , 17.11826482, 17.91478425]])
- tas_mean_07(Station, time)float6420.63 20.64 21.2 ... 18.66 22.4
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:40] tas_mean_07: fa.TAS_MEAN_07(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[7]).
array([[20.63237781, 20.64445013, 21.19939663, 20.48925845, 20.6386401 , 19.09271198, 20.98279724, 22.0321663 , 21.2249513 , 20.64175005, 21.0802319 , 18.02536485, 21.14713932, 21.23441088, 21.89557947, 19.52192175, 20.36199651, 20.28828065, 21.80756033, 19.10713126, 19.11810614, 20.8847859 , 20.38628846, 20.41901303, 21.69638679, 22.15902647, 19.64342014, 20.64978075, 18.65738623, 22.39617926], [20.64244314, 20.64429455, 21.19860832, 20.48963698, 20.64297316, 19.09924158, 20.98558408, 22.03946192, 21.2222885 , 20.64155526, 21.07982792, 18.03343554, 21.14784963, 21.24369824, 21.89590508, 19.52726522, 20.35669739, 20.29155184, 21.81173457, 19.10827544, 19.12051348, 20.88594336, 20.39749032, 20.42421524, 21.700114 , 22.16358236, 19.64325706, 20.65797182, 18.66333934, 22.3994381 ]])
- tas_mean_08(Station, time)float6418.9 17.18 20.18 ... 20.06 20.05
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:40] tas_mean_08: fa.TAS_MEAN_08(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[8]).
array([[18.90264285, 17.18295131, 20.17820786, 20.63965515, 19.2324178 , 17.98852988, 18.46625813, 20.52358761, 19.64000974, 20.03763804, 20.35198589, 18.55748576, 20.5487149 , 18.21967495, 20.39550824, 19.56920167, 18.51551095, 20.11472139, 19.2621412 , 19.0012329 , 21.31705545, 20.75675397, 20.60757935, 19.07419024, 21.0329947 , 18.58701342, 19.04223069, 18.85825009, 20.04924252, 20.04527683], [18.90274384, 17.1911275 , 20.17766814, 20.64302703, 19.23669252, 17.99339255, 18.47208395, 20.53326467, 19.63165597, 20.03502514, 20.35333091, 18.56194871, 20.55096834, 18.22429425, 20.397244 , 19.56996731, 18.5137647 , 20.11226328, 19.26548325, 19.00442325, 21.32935581, 20.7574008 , 20.61574623, 19.0765645 , 21.03866968, 18.59507532, 19.05436415, 18.86747031, 20.05634757, 20.04739971]])
- tas_mean_09(Station, time)float6414.0 14.88 16.88 ... 14.74 15.91
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:40] tas_mean_09: fa.TAS_MEAN_09(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[9]).
array([[13.9985401 , 14.88084599, 16.8803223 , 13.36136243, 15.76881612, 12.93856627, 14.40450378, 14.14041918, 15.50094399, 14.27565277, 13.43692367, 14.99551581, 14.19524746, 14.19630287, 13.25643215, 15.54744704, 14.41026491, 15.41359308, 17.30026076, 13.85983273, 16.11133701, 17.42295076, 16.87022709, 15.6987979 , 16.84472827, 14.57788278, 16.36655318, 15.72453788, 14.73610234, 15.89847538], [14.00327093, 14.89087154, 16.88789844, 13.36786742, 15.77699236, 12.9534436 , 14.41312761, 14.15259406, 15.50755087, 14.28011075, 13.44734895, 15.00827954, 14.20416615, 14.20616889, 13.26680821, 15.5572168 , 14.41656774, 15.42240471, 17.3100854 , 13.87230001, 16.12190201, 17.4295849 , 16.87860208, 15.70859795, 16.85516841, 14.58572711, 16.381472 , 15.73891164, 14.74027142, 15.91425516]])
- tas_mean_10(Station, time)float645.902 8.552 8.135 ... 6.343 8.103
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:40] tas_mean_10: fa.TAS_MEAN_10(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[10]).
array([[ 5.90153404, 8.55247292, 8.1353644 , 8.69653317, 8.65264187, 7.25168887, 7.27060997, 6.35240971, 8.44210638, 8.44709298, 9.17088292, 6.16261716, 6.14102062, 9.19086769, 10.74392511, 7.60070745, 7.50901645, 8.97400156, 6.82429086, 8.08717615, 9.78485923, 6.28334712, 7.38087101, 9.07040518, 9.86132362, 7.81382001, 11.15023954, 7.9433349 , 6.32887388, 8.09218151], [ 5.90837265, 8.56749611, 8.14707508, 8.70767791, 8.66545931, 7.26435928, 7.28023539, 6.36386398, 8.45988658, 8.46480642, 9.1968166 , 6.17366207, 6.15914221, 9.20050535, 10.76258138, 7.62169454, 7.52207903, 8.98270416, 6.8443016 , 8.10202505, 9.79638634, 6.30379606, 7.39183425, 9.07880282, 9.86969755, 7.82632509, 11.16454062, 7.94981703, 6.34303904, 8.10257614]])
- tas_mean_11(Station, time)float640.6841 2.839 1.418 ... 3.606 1.565
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:40] tas_mean_11: fa.TAS_MEAN_11(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[11]).
array([[ 0.68409042, 2.83931276, 1.41829688, 1.84103032, -0.24380939, -1.05762507, -0.00508057, 2.38712249, -1.06956614, 1.20698385, 1.24993657, 0.34702189, 0.40961932, 3.05980446, -1.23203271, -1.23446856, 0.40731791, 2.05271268, 3.79757672, 2.13591145, 3.71018689, -0.82506035, 2.2123534 , 1.3981892 , 2.37838246, 4.08722357, 0.6789816 , 2.13143521, 3.59184706, 1.54437908], [ 0.69372345, 2.86199599, 1.44522039, 1.85904162, -0.220477 , -1.03736578, 0.01024357, 2.40596268, -1.04499751, 1.23995941, 1.26214407, 0.36737397, 0.43457584, 3.07788816, -1.20635154, -1.22369596, 0.4155359 , 2.06998651, 3.81415907, 2.14591697, 3.73281559, -0.7992906 , 2.22979238, 1.41793161, 2.40160114, 4.10800162, 0.69078161, 2.14733612, 3.6055142 , 1.5645255 ]])
- tas_mean_12(Station, time)float64-4.924 -3.514 ... -6.815 -6.248
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:40] tas_mean_12: fa.TAS_MEAN_12(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[12]).
array([[ -4.92431534, -3.51411334, -9.02355408, -5.57863816, -9.6424834 , -6.62048797, -5.74202546, -8.4033055 , -17.75646673, -5.23348689, -9.01860591, -4.93862971, -7.29065447, -5.4341121 , -8.85954331, -2.65103358, -7.60708482, -3.5938318 , -4.55418406, -10.25053827, -1.18149227, -6.74184884, -5.48093551, -8.78755114, -6.8474256 , -2.56532862, -7.8160892 , -7.80263761, -6.82793165, -6.25867849], [ -4.91499738, -3.47031549, -8.99684391, -5.54484467, -9.61991653, -6.5954135 , -5.7209086 , -8.37166719, -17.74118764, -5.19574779, -8.98785 , -4.91134596, -7.2571242 , -5.415129 , -8.84202935, -2.6257173 , -7.58431852, -3.55799801, -4.52391933, -10.22644574, -1.16347623, -6.71998608, -5.45174146, -8.74171801, -6.83560831, -2.5383687 , -7.78749855, -7.76445332, -6.81547319, -6.24827844]])
- tas_mean_spring(Station, time)float646.974 4.407 5.195 ... 5.287 7.893
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:41] tas_mean_spring: fa.TAS_MEAN_SPRING(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (02-11 to 06-19).
array([[6.97447018, 4.40662307, 5.19465239, 4.95908236, 4.76853682, 5.44187127, 5.74485936, 5.53037528, 4.14562519, 4.70949719, 6.08216761, 4.09982601, 3.7708809 , 4.5016755 , 4.96081247, 4.68127346, 3.26788342, 6.97766316, 6.23659265, 5.28499071, 4.78429627, 4.68888112, 2.90861651, 5.10850932, 4.40644238, 5.59547655, 4.17823318, 4.39019983, 5.27226905, 7.88764341], [6.9934862 , 4.42367266, 5.20990429, 4.97181384, 4.78904046, 5.46069713, 5.75278225, 5.54325455, 4.16160469, 4.72722837, 6.10217491, 4.11652379, 3.77711095, 4.51724068, 4.97744855, 4.69515358, 3.28633953, 6.99041704, 6.2492447 , 5.30490295, 4.79714046, 4.70988516, 2.92467543, 5.1295985 , 4.41534899, 5.60857509, 4.18727496, 4.41022762, 5.28737436, 7.89294249]])
- tas_mean_summer_fall(Station, time)float6413.59 14.04 15.09 ... 13.92 15.14
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:43] tas_mean_summer_fall: fa.TAS_MEAN_SUMMER_FALL(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (06-20 to 11-19).
array([[13.59342073, 14.03981471, 15.08899962, 14.25872647, 14.44203195, 12.7505142 , 13.98695407, 14.4955419 , 15.0739447 , 14.16474503, 14.49448558, 12.81562372, 14.09383546, 14.79895742, 15.14310412, 13.91634592, 14.10508016, 14.8312171 , 15.03550841, 14.04394863, 15.34583266, 14.67779224, 15.03035556, 14.27525313, 16.01966636, 14.78504797, 14.98437826, 14.64589374, 13.91598467, 15.13195558], [13.59973549, 14.04899292, 15.09612619, 14.2662818 , 14.45039461, 12.76113538, 13.99451569, 14.5061074 , 15.07840316, 14.17237555, 14.50163026, 12.8250457 , 14.10295159, 14.80855647, 15.15223919, 13.92594924, 14.10917099, 14.83679122, 15.04395602, 14.05188944, 15.35633681, 14.68728063, 15.03909642, 14.28242558, 16.02910402, 14.79427308, 14.99338968, 14.65655232, 13.9235349 , 15.14123006]])
- tas_mean_year(Station, time)float646.106 5.474 6.328 ... 5.656 7.65
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:44] tas_mean_year: fa.TAS_MEAN_YEAR(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (01-01 to 12-31).
array([[6.10632742, 5.47443821, 6.32783603, 5.94493331, 5.17112401, 5.3147705 , 6.06659042, 6.13961005, 4.92069959, 6.58949512, 6.48474021, 5.05679139, 5.16356435, 5.32635209, 6.16046485, 5.69486786, 5.13045281, 7.51954488, 7.17605244, 5.53578725, 7.03480145, 6.36244224, 5.51522006, 5.53140134, 6.45310123, 7.34400866, 5.90002984, 6.11350123, 5.6422603 , 7.64197625], [6.11843944, 5.49213674, 6.3419729 , 5.95895582, 5.18661896, 5.33151902, 6.07614118, 6.15524791, 4.93438003, 6.60731171, 6.50135838, 5.0724557 , 5.17736044, 5.34194979, 6.17462429, 5.70908363, 5.14391238, 7.53289425, 7.19069161, 5.55118442, 7.04875644, 6.38109233, 5.53047688, 5.54859485, 6.46485484, 7.35858904, 5.91437209, 6.13278522, 5.65557919, 7.65046964]])
- tas_min_01(Station, time)float64-39.48 -32.72 ... -32.11 -23.17
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Minimum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:44] tas_min_01: fa.TAS_MIN_01(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual minimum of variable (m[1]).
array([[-39.48280706, -32.7245941 , -23.98409672, -27.73548051, -26.87303784, -29.6028481 , -27.95685514, -30.63972644, -27.91691439, -21.50029051, -29.67321455, -33.58177266, -30.68331723, -34.08426609, -35.27256866, -28.93838321, -31.19214689, -30.21012775, -30.0341023 , -27.46011776, -24.00195941, -18.79033423, -29.12113139, -35.83975633, -28.85435587, -18.27490633, -28.54576846, -25.26211853, -32.02571826, -23.10343479], [-39.56195988, -32.68813996, -24.03047474, -27.78440337, -26.90172407, -29.50843105, -28.01388967, -30.60965444, -27.89900567, -21.51648806, -29.72331554, -33.65882635, -30.79566484, -34.20800736, -35.34157414, -29.09229165, -31.20830615, -30.2740806 , -30.03169703, -27.47211901, -24.12162136, -18.73545301, -29.10178855, -35.85284315, -28.82678106, -18.27176386, -28.54401892, -25.23440091, -32.10721035, -23.16594831]])
- tas_min_02(Station, time)float64-23.24 -20.49 ... -20.8 -24.81
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Minimum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:44] tas_min_02: fa.TAS_MIN_02(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual minimum of variable (m[2]).
array([[-23.24032522, -20.48653586, -26.15094286, -23.03023651, -26.2771112 , -24.50412917, -26.11264203, -26.20335354, -26.23822722, -24.93641924, -22.04698123, -26.570472 , -34.27246288, -28.11063767, -28.13070012, -27.96613667, -24.38781193, -23.24612903, -23.78522791, -23.88384983, -23.93237901, -23.78575184, -30.49814208, -26.8862271 , -21.40091018, -23.49350063, -25.82986526, -24.68776879, -20.76766121, -24.65457701], [-23.31916932, -20.45524333, -26.23029737, -23.07710123, -26.27956865, -24.55969991, -26.10843841, -26.26810043, -26.25545957, -24.93796633, -22.04124903, -26.57807459, -34.53590112, -28.21992075, -28.24081219, -28.06565591, -24.39160762, -23.25900305, -23.81055146, -23.9661789 , -23.95772504, -23.74780219, -30.51637279, -26.88168958, -21.42484605, -23.55432166, -25.8052279 , -24.83407727, -20.80471968, -24.8092683 ]])
- tas_min_03(Station, time)float64-21.91 -24.26 ... -22.39 -12.85
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Minimum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:44] tas_min_03: fa.TAS_MIN_03(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual minimum of variable (m[3]).
array([[-21.90744391, -24.25802268, -18.06202688, -23.93256492, -21.60307959, -21.44121049, -20.49299461, -19.36902588, -27.46490141, -19.87414559, -15.50073208, -24.14234385, -21.90291328, -20.95091628, -23.02458304, -19.6594139 , -18.30974457, -20.06367511, -17.92498718, -17.57049012, -21.54669508, -17.09785335, -24.75505669, -17.49807463, -18.80057047, -18.34716798, -26.45356182, -17.09174736, -22.30431741, -12.7023202 ], [-21.93532741, -24.27835522, -17.96445014, -24.10041257, -21.60343595, -21.43579495, -20.52300311, -19.37498225, -27.47046108, -19.89545598, -15.51939914, -24.13481458, -22.03569576, -20.97235949, -23.21929014, -19.77608805, -18.31461993, -20.04893862, -17.98400258, -17.56557305, -21.54782035, -17.16918259, -24.74021442, -17.45232586, -18.80852551, -18.34751511, -26.30601696, -17.05792332, -22.39049245, -12.85123559]])
- tas_min_04(Station, time)float64-8.74 -15.53 ... -3.665 -0.6903
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Minimum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:44] tas_min_04: fa.TAS_MIN_04(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual minimum of variable (m[4]).
array([[ -8.74049209, -15.52587755, -7.74962778, -7.58484483, -11.7496682 , -3.6511601 , -4.98794901, -2.52939796, -6.86393175, -13.63067849, -3.91534536, -8.82062482, -6.26783275, -12.87169967, -14.86832359, -8.23557019, -10.47880374, -4.82454962, -4.55659829, -7.84488341, -4.9203341 , -8.94632475, -11.02824319, -5.06500626, -3.22039676, -6.80246369, -11.95938577, -5.79547243, -3.66134849, -0.68048186], [ -8.7012459 , -15.52479326, -7.75966148, -7.60804608, -11.71830951, -3.58180287, -5.0187384 , -2.3366294 , -6.84638997, -13.84791692, -3.64159645, -8.76928408, -6.31014673, -12.89332544, -14.84806116, -8.19049921, -10.47606591, -4.94095658, -4.71611588, -7.80636714, -4.96344345, -8.73076016, -10.96078214, -5.04550084, -3.22886946, -6.7977946 , -11.98444088, -5.82573156, -3.66500071, -0.69025706]])
- tas_min_05(Station, time)float641.607 2.965 1.848 ... 3.614 0.975
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Minimum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:44] tas_min_05: fa.TAS_MIN_05(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual minimum of variable (m[5]).
array([[ 1.60663809, 2.96479979, 1.84836247, 1.63702019, 1.05182708, -1.86535263, 0.07031216, 3.13402533, 2.22974842, 3.25561453, 3.58788766, 0.11737335, 4.1581919 , -1.16480411, -1.18652362, 1.75574715, -0.16542834, 8.67854192, 2.56457035, 1.54552661, 2.44562335, 1.24490056, -0.21641645, 0.79748817, 0.97366845, 1.98937498, 1.96950802, -0.32541139, 3.59710511, 0.97797592], [ 1.60874716, 2.97120902, 1.86194194, 1.70732751, 1.03704431, -1.85701679, 0.14298771, 3.14823223, 2.24599631, 3.10195996, 3.64375468, 0.12570524, 4.1823479 , -1.12656085, -1.19099173, 1.80122806, -0.09796995, 8.73658542, 2.57320834, 1.59936649, 2.45214497, 1.26856066, -0.2216667 , 0.83504907, 0.97816231, 1.9942662 , 1.9789936 , -0.48797304, 3.61371927, 0.97503511]])
- tas_min_06(Station, time)float648.753 8.274 6.496 ... 5.905 9.004
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Minimum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:44] tas_min_06: fa.TAS_MIN_06(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual minimum of variable (m[6]).
array([[ 8.75302532, 8.27368685, 6.49604579, 7.98140173, 7.88368259, 4.21913442, 9.98836156, 7.10533971, 9.12883168, 6.21952575, 10.56083361, 8.38550071, 7.09235976, 7.95860205, 9.37389345, 11.27760426, 9.78768689, 7.56164715, 9.7056936 , 6.4618496 , 7.07917088, 5.74742798, 7.7921865 , 6.80589434, 8.36790293, 11.21926765, 7.15618379, 10.06418085, 5.9086562 , 9.06106839], [ 8.78269268, 8.32432143, 6.51513334, 7.98051481, 7.87657081, 4.2382451 , 9.99790732, 7.1265251 , 9.15093674, 6.23909263, 10.56116813, 8.40822529, 7.09947445, 7.98249356, 9.38734001, 11.30220056, 9.80931128, 7.56325043, 9.72541586, 6.48768423, 7.09124886, 5.77492277, 7.8011511 , 6.82342884, 8.39346188, 11.21861771, 7.18274705, 10.05562484, 5.90534512, 9.00351216]])
- tas_min_07(Station, time)float6412.18 9.327 11.33 ... 11.45 11.88
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Minimum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:45] tas_min_07: fa.TAS_MIN_07(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual minimum of variable (m[7]).
array([[12.18469817, 9.32696473, 11.328991 , 13.31717579, 12.58696222, 9.62432783, 11.10270106, 11.3669321 , 13.1554508 , 10.81395653, 12.10695437, 10.69577076, 13.51346606, 13.60289909, 14.06064332, 12.85974249, 11.41497109, 13.51044378, 13.23284515, 11.6373998 , 9.40922796, 11.42740756, 13.61050773, 12.94481601, 12.79786138, 14.26131501, 11.30397603, 13.06238568, 11.50528622, 11.8516313 ], [12.24041376, 9.35015791, 11.35438795, 13.33372915, 12.61496565, 9.57375471, 11.11921473, 11.35757806, 13.03206727, 10.72411936, 12.11930408, 10.71576075, 13.50905675, 13.62226632, 13.93169811, 12.85402676, 11.42497965, 13.50579254, 13.24509502, 11.64012702, 9.39837309, 11.42574212, 13.62803566, 12.95904671, 12.76253913, 14.2926789 , 11.32327647, 13.03776492, 11.45250616, 11.87530197]])
- tas_min_08(Station, time)float6410.27 7.381 11.59 ... 9.752 11.71
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Minimum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:45] tas_min_08: fa.TAS_MIN_08(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual minimum of variable (m[8]).
array([[10.27225087, 7.38108088, 11.58806545, 10.34108347, 9.96852364, 6.98060629, 8.24855999, 10.14812104, 9.44685802, 10.42769426, 11.3103237 , 9.98842448, 10.73346141, 10.2996488 , 10.6466764 , 11.71478022, 11.43523521, 11.91831676, 11.20564048, 10.20356616, 10.53431911, 10.81513473, 10.05064985, 9.23489599, 11.80895229, 10.10147385, 8.91899877, 11.77487568, 9.72491022, 11.6950191 ], [10.27845978, 7.37719393, 11.61837214, 10.36005929, 9.93952931, 6.97771637, 8.27248587, 9.99973188, 9.4620776 , 10.4396519 , 11.31806714, 9.89697543, 10.70053252, 10.32340806, 10.65794643, 11.7371015 , 11.44276443, 11.92108301, 11.22266456, 10.23812741, 10.55678053, 10.83082855, 10.08263589, 9.22329863, 11.83875585, 10.13421094, 8.93440963, 11.77831235, 9.75203212, 11.70968286]])
- tas_min_09(Station, time)float643.872 6.597 5.539 ... 4.518 7.724
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Minimum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:45] tas_min_09: fa.TAS_MIN_09(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual minimum of variable (m[9]).
array([[3.87205829, 6.59656507, 5.53892389, 3.75540178, 6.76058985, 3.72438484, 3.76099007, 4.68511449, 3.70509872, 4.02832196, 0.35117403, 2.76631981, 3.33929474, 6.80467138, 3.09044334, 5.15584062, 3.04573766, 6.52114065, 6.54908592, 0.30966867, 4.85536704, 6.64602412, 8.02829562, 6.45481086, 6.63288032, 6.54734889, 7.01559039, 4.31742943, 4.47097697, 7.66865421], [3.85862492, 6.60908272, 5.44951579, 3.74830361, 6.784404 , 3.73850115, 3.78739001, 4.69583974, 3.7124858 , 4.04154906, 0.36156872, 2.77304904, 3.3585899 , 6.79282677, 3.14686634, 5.02246172, 3.02598236, 6.53206822, 6.57422464, 0.28557484, 4.79512779, 6.67859926, 8.04070283, 6.37427485, 6.64215434, 6.55298194, 7.03290206, 4.34250506, 4.51828133, 7.72371129]])
- tas_min_10(Station, time)float64-2.127 -0.7163 ... -2.022 -0.08811
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Minimum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:45] tas_min_10: fa.TAS_MIN_10(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual minimum of variable (m[10]).
array([[-2.1266733 , -0.71628144, -2.3397145 , -0.66671422, -1.83562681, -2.88810926, -1.19858006, -3.33815437, -0.11841713, -2.06722082, -0.96223217, -3.60837444, -2.23688245, 1.33325412, -1.07813634, -0.44506685, -2.91521901, -0.42096783, -3.19949096, -1.17323376, -2.74140892, -4.40447115, -0.79218966, -1.19260438, -1.98159697, -1.57199278, -0.07876564, -1.58826708, -2.03346542, -0.10832408], [-2.1234072 , -0.70254659, -2.34393401, -0.65834268, -1.78900077, -2.85932254, -1.17467465, -3.30988601, -0.09923966, -2.04871904, -0.93665404, -3.57872955, -2.20902797, 1.35900082, -1.04065279, -0.41192973, -2.98420531, -0.36793585, -3.17751482, -1.18715374, -2.83228647, -4.37942656, -0.77929307, -1.30458101, -1.99151161, -1.56625063, -0.06359742, -1.65891092, -2.02167306, -0.08810793]])
- tas_min_11(Station, time)float64-11.38 -15.49 ... -3.632 -9.935
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Minimum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:45] tas_min_11: fa.TAS_MIN_11(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual minimum of variable (m[11]).
array([[-11.37574816, -15.48983437, -10.25066423, -8.8663083 , -14.84128434, -15.66683602, -16.90083427, -9.68735729, -22.67691224, -8.59161062, -8.2885206 , -10.96747286, -13.86646503, -12.18403461, -21.18867637, -19.09274316, -18.03768094, -5.26917578, -6.12546459, -10.42908612, -6.77080755, -14.95205414, -5.73532517, -6.68807148, -13.99272621, -3.40826191, -12.52133027, -8.72210976, -3.61928498, -10.11867432], [-11.46752575, -15.41733338, -10.23201627, -8.84161018, -14.83156989, -15.96123068, -16.95222523, -9.6546591 , -22.65157083, -8.47923246, -8.31643854, -10.92197015, -13.82670842, -12.25262347, -21.32045799, -19.14274831, -18.23045083, -5.21865027, -6.11094893, -10.40171825, -6.80039885, -14.89910222, -5.72964586, -6.66658723, -14.09592588, -3.37633334, -12.49508896, -8.69479015, -3.63207964, -9.93491921]])
- tas_min_12(Station, time)float64-19.19 -21.18 ... -23.86 -18.24
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Minimum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:45] tas_min_12: fa.TAS_MIN_12(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual minimum of variable (m[12]).
array([[-19.19203072, -21.18315122, -29.75868095, -28.4797135 , -32.25310336, -24.92181973, -22.78338902, -28.82746707, -32.75489356, -25.44589588, -25.73698478, -24.03235532, -34.0092637 , -24.73265243, -27.01572861, -26.78006988, -23.95145002, -29.10389305, -22.48447355, -26.48245112, -12.77165792, -23.9905003 , -18.12784439, -28.48273854, -22.72246653, -20.18447694, -21.49529035, -22.76248144, -23.75229038, -18.2786706 ], [-19.23768486, -21.14172255, -29.79639458, -28.45581596, -32.40671423, -24.91227465, -22.79471661, -28.75747971, -32.80001944, -25.51206682, -25.73203988, -24.11940896, -34.07583882, -24.7898907 , -27.07301573, -26.78194946, -23.92041141, -29.00612003, -22.49277818, -26.5542261 , -12.77578527, -23.93950602, -17.8961324 , -28.58298957, -22.84226667, -20.18014565, -21.49297563, -22.92269408, -23.8558524 , -18.24065612]])
- tas_min_spring(Station, time)float64-22.98 -24.26 ... -22.39 -12.85
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Minimum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:46] tas_min_spring: fa.TAS_MIN_SPRING(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual minimum of variable (02-11 to 06-19).
array([[-22.98073649, -24.25802268, -26.15094286, -23.93256492, -21.60307959, -21.44121049, -26.11264203, -19.36902588, -27.46490141, -24.93641924, -22.04698123, -25.13513481, -28.81485771, -27.64842862, -27.10222712, -25.26938974, -24.38781193, -23.24612903, -23.78522791, -22.55029614, -23.93237901, -23.40916159, -30.49814208, -26.8862271 , -21.40091018, -22.29837667, -26.45356182, -24.68776879, -22.30431741, -12.7023202 ], [-22.97959199, -24.27835522, -26.23029737, -24.10041257, -21.60343595, -21.43579495, -26.10843841, -19.37498225, -27.47046108, -24.93796633, -22.04124903, -25.13222042, -28.79974233, -27.69195117, -27.14957713, -25.2709514 , -24.39160762, -23.25900305, -23.81055146, -22.52724228, -23.95772504, -23.38293418, -30.51637279, -26.88168958, -21.42484605, -22.2708131 , -26.30601696, -24.83407727, -22.39049245, -12.85123559]])
- tas_min_summer_fall(Station, time)float64-5.521 -5.482 ... -3.632 -2.53
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Minimum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:47] tas_min_summer_fall: fa.TAS_MIN_SUMMER_FALL(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual minimum of variable (06-20 to 11-19).
array([[ -5.52131029, -5.48177058, -9.67066386, -8.8663083 , -10.48608959, -11.49370675, -6.66899803, -3.33815437, -5.9140038 , -8.59161062, -8.2885206 , -10.96747286, -5.86382961, -2.59945908, -7.02874204, -9.62813688, -6.68350876, -5.26917578, -5.46326869, -2.17566707, -6.77080755, -12.84858147, -5.73532517, -6.68807148, -5.29756155, -3.23577847, -4.87750433, -5.85379614, -3.61928498, -2.54770965], [ -5.50296852, -5.48055671, -9.58479887, -8.84161018, -10.46785218, -11.39902331, -6.65156536, -3.30988601, -5.91388545, -8.44512355, -8.31643854, -10.92197015, -5.84098602, -2.67900339, -7.15401369, -9.61554782, -6.65791544, -5.21865027, -5.52071585, -2.1164685 , -6.80039885, -12.92968603, -5.72964586, -6.66658723, -5.28314772, -3.20777055, -4.88185343, -5.85534062, -3.63207964, -2.52979165]])
- tas_min_year(Station, time)float64-39.48 -32.72 ... -32.11 -24.81
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- unknown
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- t2m
- GRIB_dataType :
- fc
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- 2 metre temperature
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 167
- GRIB_shortName :
- 2t
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- K
- long_name :
- Minimum of variable
- standard_name :
- unknown
- units :
- °C
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:49] tas_min_year: fa.TAS_MIN_YEAR(tas=tas) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual minimum of variable (01-01 to 12-31).
array([[-39.48280706, -32.7245941 , -29.75868095, -28.4797135 , -32.25310336, -29.6028481 , -27.95685514, -30.63972644, -32.75489356, -25.44589588, -29.67321455, -33.58177266, -34.27246288, -34.08426609, -35.27256866, -28.93838321, -31.19214689, -30.21012775, -30.0341023 , -27.46011776, -24.00195941, -23.9905003 , -30.49814208, -35.83975633, -28.85435587, -23.49350063, -28.54576846, -25.26211853, -32.02571826, -24.65457701], [-39.56195988, -32.68813996, -29.79639458, -28.45581596, -32.40671423, -29.50843105, -28.01388967, -30.60965444, -32.80001944, -25.51206682, -29.72331554, -33.65882635, -34.53590112, -34.20800736, -35.34157414, -29.09229165, -31.20830615, -30.2740806 , -30.03169703, -27.47211901, -24.12162136, -23.93950602, -30.51637279, -35.85284315, -28.82678106, -23.55432166, -28.54401892, -25.23440091, -32.10721035, -24.8092683 ]])
- pr_sum_01(Station, time)float6423.4 91.04 82.64 ... 61.23 71.71
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:49] pr_sum_01: fa.PR_SUM_01(pr=pr) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- long_name :
- Integral of variable
- description :
- Annual integral of variable (m[1]).
array([[ 23.40379484, 91.04143722, 82.64005871, 40.41029484, 48.55065441, 131.87960013, 55.33038955, 44.16563065, 72.30947408, 110.13319539, 70.87246596, 91.88232249, 91.10925521, 91.52241532, 121.87976675, 88.57515252, 122.4037686 , 146.68869618, 130.04528562, 97.38960598, 34.31278783, 51.39530035, 28.53033272, 37.5846798 , 49.83448474, 127.93699213, 68.16800307, 88.69825905, 61.22246764, 71.93537655], [ 23.32881824, 91.22413027, 82.66634914, 40.4527373 , 48.57896214, 131.91432325, 55.50889124, 44.06217919, 72.16431044, 110.2121261 , 70.91243532, 91.72790615, 91.36235922, 91.6249768 , 121.87138612, 88.233414 , 122.40913392, 146.98254748, 129.96743584, 97.39645447, 34.4337545 , 51.49582614, 28.62363843, 37.60056693, 49.97081806, 127.84978792, 68.36931337, 88.83416459, 61.22549446, 71.71382827]])
- pr_sum_02(Station, time)float64177.2 53.98 91.72 ... 78.67 57.73
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:49] pr_sum_02: fa.PR_SUM_02(pr=pr) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- long_name :
- Integral of variable
- description :
- Annual integral of variable (m[2]).
array([[177.17798822, 53.97759765, 91.71653426, 92.48576961, 64.83624274, 36.71568375, 13.29430318, 81.15170797, 41.36658384, 83.76051323, 39.82750558, 72.30888648, 61.58459056, 48.95666332, 53.89570583, 85.69516504, 113.44473924, 47.75953664, 52.95935217, 60.10522734, 75.6020768 , 61.21894392, 51.03398776, 37.82004284, 50.75130545, 80.65926144, 40.45387409, 99.94582525, 78.61773731, 57.54458481], [177.05610222, 54.01225615, 91.53747657, 92.82461496, 64.81464607, 36.78939094, 13.37089389, 80.91316733, 41.44451841, 84.02851163, 39.81028333, 72.36051584, 61.67982998, 49.17496936, 53.99620402, 85.35695215, 113.47851517, 47.77986744, 52.85886437, 60.31227991, 75.56774453, 61.01591988, 51.1166402 , 37.902682 , 50.69281804, 80.57930135, 40.64246085, 99.99538833, 78.67308462, 57.72585048]])
- pr_sum_03(Station, time)float6473.45 88.55 86.71 ... 66.57 53.87
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:49] pr_sum_03: fa.PR_SUM_03(pr=pr) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- long_name :
- Integral of variable
- description :
- Annual integral of variable (m[3]).
array([[ 73.45435938, 88.55005774, 86.71158029, 59.814298 , 96.7350447 , 84.53294489, 61.88789089, 32.51453934, 81.46883433, 68.14681715, 114.51763306, 101.27785518, 68.74753851, 60.74914155, 76.53382307, 30.24385767, 94.41327956, 114.863175 , 85.39689681, 69.25369038, 81.57997315, 94.13042652, 78.26032721, 60.95866803, 51.49965867, 41.96349057, 86.59521531, 128.30046929, 66.52417466, 53.71632489], [ 73.49149694, 88.54283146, 86.93856316, 59.98716445, 96.89418328, 84.42305344, 61.66332192, 32.53075524, 81.65092094, 68.36111119, 114.60849482, 100.88937649, 68.89141692, 60.76897645, 76.29687494, 30.195649 , 94.50272502, 114.6418187 , 85.27902214, 69.42404446, 81.72629092, 93.8895516 , 78.54995156, 60.94443674, 51.51021503, 42.17713079, 86.7786701 , 128.35632912, 66.57304251, 53.86613154]])
- pr_sum_04(Station, time)float6499.17 82.77 152.9 ... 72.4 90.91
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:49] pr_sum_04: fa.PR_SUM_04(pr=pr) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- long_name :
- Integral of variable
- description :
- Annual integral of variable (m[4]).
array([[ 99.17240755, 82.76876808, 152.93240144, 100.16712399, 87.85221728, 68.410618 , 59.37821428, 98.92300666, 73.62114306, 87.9434617 , 103.7329961 , 59.45533422, 135.00036785, 126.10403553, 68.24563203, 177.85847013, 64.87722812, 53.68962487, 39.90536697, 128.10551484, 39.70904751, 93.90808676, 98.94150186, 68.50613268, 163.03100606, 105.0548605 , 126.81608195, 86.79942002, 72.2163226 , 90.57909579], [ 99.38613943, 82.88073687, 152.91382114, 100.50441524, 88.01624401, 67.99223923, 59.54449999, 98.96922591, 73.83112457, 87.93979383, 104.16085181, 59.46413578, 135.03567802, 126.65500264, 67.95893464, 177.69481936, 64.8565471 , 53.82167257, 40.06185848, 128.24019529, 39.8629335 , 94.19243429, 98.72766977, 68.94361782, 162.87794783, 105.18001331, 126.93326583, 86.77371527, 72.39607539, 90.90711311]])
- pr_sum_05(Station, time)float64106.0 25.13 220.9 ... 138.4 37.03
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:49] pr_sum_05: fa.PR_SUM_05(pr=pr) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- long_name :
- Integral of variable
- description :
- Annual integral of variable (m[5]).
array([[105.98777541, 25.12964602, 220.87867421, 137.66181021, 81.15034541, 160.04263269, 103.9132546 , 44.88273321, 152.88689606, 101.50936956, 76.72874124, 68.6265707 , 94.2712895 , 122.15755427, 87.14602438, 110.71267957, 107.2972596 , 58.74302429, 78.13264234, 154.03706539, 62.930027 , 130.98074661, 116.77858192, 85.50644005, 59.18653061, 143.94724314, 68.89922917, 54.53641869, 137.91456512, 36.84591618], [105.87074508, 25.08970075, 219.53864516, 138.28630271, 81.30281444, 159.73387463, 104.4148259 , 44.77425421, 153.16945192, 101.43982749, 76.87793504, 68.96452846, 94.41920271, 122.6526061 , 86.69262434, 111.10334279, 107.09942791, 58.57468944, 78.22364515, 154.10400617, 63.10902285, 131.09850413, 117.20433906, 85.48967374, 59.37601813, 144.0818018 , 69.25633516, 54.43877403, 138.41591513, 37.02579917]])
- pr_sum_06(Station, time)float64162.8 113.4 40.59 ... 158.4 134.2
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:50] pr_sum_06: fa.PR_SUM_06(pr=pr) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- long_name :
- Integral of variable
- description :
- Annual integral of variable (m[6]).
array([[162.80763946, 113.41829237, 40.59382135, 109.35459449, 102.95640645, 141.35983124, 124.77037438, 80.24981435, 115.4105024 , 132.69948121, 35.81760557, 83.47039964, 126.51836247, 172.17826137, 39.72381914, 91.42997622, 82.96134842, 161.00318241, 91.19365082, 118.98368264, 89.00224849, 96.29217449, 72.63097576, 92.65299286, 113.40316643, 161.15816817, 100.71155628, 166.63082534, 158.42267689, 133.88957871], [161.56372581, 113.25530655, 40.55026727, 110.052114 , 102.7699817 , 141.51789279, 124.73581101, 80.10266373, 115.75237679, 133.34124826, 36.20497255, 83.45331375, 126.66560375, 172.30592197, 39.87420578, 91.6378473 , 82.94205889, 161.06024519, 91.12913658, 118.86539148, 89.00704521, 96.60394751, 72.85984121, 92.92147021, 113.2262808 , 161.63769396, 101.47384683, 165.96600162, 158.37328792, 134.17592113]])
- pr_sum_07(Station, time)float6473.57 67.58 81.61 ... 143.6 73.29
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:50] pr_sum_07: fa.PR_SUM_07(pr=pr) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- long_name :
- Integral of variable
- description :
- Annual integral of variable (m[7]).
array([[ 73.56951773, 67.58030397, 81.61088531, 147.18815856, 93.41848081, 187.8022164 , 118.21232247, 97.16413503, 66.99669218, 82.36986398, 68.87402785, 174.79185766, 101.09659852, 204.57043765, 155.00425625, 183.78524988, 86.93247099, 123.27730362, 113.9599146 , 103.6562607 , 125.04834647, 157.51208276, 88.71617083, 113.69302015, 91.45948957, 97.73177191, 138.09055858, 189.41991085, 143.96325237, 73.12455898], [ 73.58237257, 67.17967886, 81.95388953, 146.7129233 , 93.47047456, 189.03226761, 118.46963882, 97.03994915, 67.42272783, 82.6986692 , 68.8115279 , 173.8740008 , 101.38080207, 204.11571148, 155.79236505, 182.83380884, 86.98605485, 123.34499746, 114.57403154, 103.92564096, 124.84057501, 158.67245015, 87.49612772, 113.68437422, 90.96609723, 97.55808465, 137.4426261 , 189.50129238, 143.64622062, 73.29014345]])
- pr_sum_08(Station, time)float64142.2 117.3 88.39 ... 85.59 100.1
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:50] pr_sum_08: fa.PR_SUM_08(pr=pr) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- long_name :
- Integral of variable
- description :
- Annual integral of variable (m[8]).
array([[142.17700918, 117.34089635, 88.39079101, 97.38922239, 61.39302248, 137.01332558, 64.07064279, 141.14234912, 66.58329942, 178.59259726, 185.1186627 , 121.40983251, 142.97048289, 89.29774222, 77.62911196, 94.64073801, 138.75034736, 68.39109758, 73.66064922, 114.310048 , 103.80380096, 43.90071096, 119.55266332, 142.30616672, 149.20413261, 111.29686403, 86.40840534, 111.1404256 , 85.26391487, 99.50795985], [142.00192448, 117.42298002, 88.2192102 , 97.87106276, 61.7689147 , 137.38890119, 63.97601207, 141.28791277, 66.78546821, 179.42117867, 186.02851649, 120.65244076, 143.19985713, 89.14468181, 77.99077813, 94.97028468, 139.62879689, 68.64952046, 73.69789803, 114.64279234, 103.28351464, 44.04071204, 119.21033119, 142.97027012, 149.85672689, 111.13827176, 85.655988 , 111.36723496, 85.59252619, 100.07187097]])
- pr_sum_09(Station, time)float64131.3 101.4 80.7 ... 69.38 194.2
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:50] pr_sum_09: fa.PR_SUM_09(pr=pr) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- long_name :
- Integral of variable
- description :
- Annual integral of variable (m[9]).
array([[131.2983278 , 101.41880615, 80.70447736, 50.76260981, 126.80035291, 186.72541472, 117.1577319 , 77.17950308, 98.35962117, 117.93279737, 69.51150864, 133.38621108, 111.77972798, 80.39993448, 101.75652525, 95.81306542, 102.58777531, 105.96719588, 190.57098517, 74.34606253, 81.6902341 , 102.5638065 , 79.03519039, 83.98582836, 151.72772625, 85.83917225, 80.37431901, 71.38467602, 68.95324708, 194.92020981], [131.37825528, 101.63247306, 80.54910833, 51.086636 , 126.76993601, 186.88965472, 117.79013353, 77.09580458, 98.36164192, 118.00870883, 69.72946562, 133.40449815, 111.78810738, 80.11675246, 102.17103984, 95.90911682, 102.3800055 , 105.65631138, 190.30890978, 74.47250419, 81.12914951, 102.75269185, 78.91271657, 83.46179427, 151.02854293, 85.52000762, 80.64469443, 70.82444764, 69.37962439, 194.24471883]])
- pr_sum_10(Station, time)float64129.4 46.1 96.5 ... 91.35 142.1
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:50] pr_sum_10: fa.PR_SUM_10(pr=pr) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- long_name :
- Integral of variable
- description :
- Annual integral of variable (m[10]).
array([[129.36924874, 46.09766182, 96.50354881, 64.19548293, 86.54607602, 69.1935132 , 98.70916392, 120.02210366, 107.81878339, 152.15915148, 161.7825605 , 62.10563637, 122.34025167, 24.15012736, 149.0946572 , 117.87713915, 53.1529043 , 87.57026688, 111.171548 , 67.90124327, 113.00214163, 89.47917862, 158.40828467, 59.54444621, 152.67531271, 178.41536325, 116.59738741, 100.58405335, 91.40752128, 141.65551429], [129.68974744, 46.23326339, 96.60276742, 64.34355595, 86.71608801, 69.27415669, 98.79367995, 119.73035163, 107.73885831, 152.32106284, 160.81529965, 62.22540285, 122.33432883, 24.08712087, 149.10072666, 117.76121649, 52.8900649 , 87.60431702, 110.97755349, 67.89985686, 113.03187323, 89.37280031, 158.66963503, 59.32230773, 153.40866167, 178.53588479, 116.47144768, 100.18318951, 91.34770344, 142.08534878]])
- pr_sum_11(Station, time)float6475.14 114.5 211.9 ... 76.51 123.8
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:50] pr_sum_11: fa.PR_SUM_11(pr=pr) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- long_name :
- Integral of variable
- description :
- Annual integral of variable (m[11]).
array([[ 75.13580929, 114.52677416, 211.91445256, 95.94879956, 82.86441824, 107.24759783, 117.92841619, 146.22245573, 163.21469612, 103.41670964, 52.5570827 , 93.29189581, 123.10714697, 110.04898162, 136.19019544, 82.64459813, 96.31734474, 82.28738389, 90.16395407, 54.67663176, 100.54745642, 94.69964335, 144.47468031, 89.51878074, 126.45692552, 107.08493334, 92.63840409, 84.03616085, 76.02304501, 123.59663656], [ 75.14660597, 114.06669753, 212.44396622, 95.94883685, 83.15194939, 107.83700511, 118.16677721, 145.9171389 , 163.22857238, 103.42103214, 52.61562812, 93.47553468, 123.08963981, 110.12051724, 136.15777767, 82.49191402, 96.27067817, 82.25721275, 90.03555594, 54.82130693, 100.56146026, 94.6902275 , 144.20530249, 89.62848574, 126.3851898 , 107.05391799, 92.72122928, 83.73505617, 76.5074062 , 123.78068653]])
- pr_sum_12(Station, time)float6482.06 105.9 170.6 ... 102.3 124.4
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:50] pr_sum_12: fa.PR_SUM_12(pr=pr) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- long_name :
- Integral of variable
- description :
- Annual integral of variable (m[12]).
array([[ 82.05642173, 105.92027332, 170.63817824, 99.99524289, 65.93614439, 79.4087846 , 59.82280074, 51.62654905, 58.04790591, 144.76656794, 69.29918602, 50.31850028, 71.03131417, 57.98253455, 67.99112159, 130.34913518, 61.58099099, 84.28524335, 62.42383876, 133.46954722, 39.08647318, 40.69718141, 183.97074446, 125.43724617, 91.59748659, 81.91632254, 125.5958008 , 146.25570698, 102.26047659, 124.52485081], [ 82.31905807, 105.83236792, 170.95290006, 100.16903767, 65.86724345, 79.62784882, 59.80329482, 51.57391398, 58.0952821 , 144.66871533, 69.44484492, 50.36867842, 71.04158619, 57.9632743 , 67.99510218, 130.4415185 , 61.79503443, 83.88202575, 62.44179447, 133.21167012, 39.17804785, 40.82355566, 183.95610614, 125.21917855, 91.51335182, 82.38152967, 125.60739955, 146.44319709, 102.3458729 , 124.3864407 ]])
- pr_sum_spring(Station, time)float64476.9 260.7 513.8 ... 390.1 299.2
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:51] pr_sum_spring: fa.PR_SUM_SPRING(pr=pr) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- long_name :
- Integral of variable
- description :
- Annual integral of variable (02-11 to 06-19).
array([[476.88870814, 260.72088455, 513.83608728, 441.92086989, 401.14066263, 421.97696053, 295.39316358, 246.97412483, 432.32145383, 396.67195607, 365.9851674 , 339.24352629, 415.93999483, 435.41885519, 301.08204389, 433.30958282, 401.4784079 , 380.85469474, 288.42219436, 445.89940635, 263.54735907, 396.37121118, 380.97269361, 296.18350578, 413.53440498, 394.92594377, 369.12657875, 412.28512393, 389.14079326, 298.26795014], [476.85651092, 260.55768156, 512.29597708, 443.93954046, 401.3219603 , 421.25792665, 295.71416568, 246.62450743, 433.17774237, 397.49465641, 366.98659293, 339.46603106, 416.32093672, 437.21003317, 300.27864417, 433.55428099, 401.23611891, 380.48778687, 288.63226487, 446.41622496, 264.21758387, 396.52868671, 381.53523831, 296.96484215, 413.33176496, 395.5269913 , 370.07941267, 411.88715204, 390.14565525, 299.19654635]])
- pr_sum_summer_fall(Station, time)float64612.0 464.9 505.4 ... 526.9 663.8
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:54] pr_sum_summer_fall: fa.PR_SUM_SUMMER_FALL(pr=pr) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- long_name :
- Integral of variable
- description :
- Annual integral of variable (06-20 to 11-19).
array([[612.00291949, 464.90558608, 505.38165303, 481.01964922, 461.4137243 , 679.51228672, 503.10075551, 624.31622992, 474.08718491, 661.22096199, 525.98067827, 582.24065653, 622.86277279, 562.77733308, 590.41428219, 610.95868553, 489.76386995, 487.89453113, 562.73624343, 470.50429351, 519.57580103, 498.47063168, 540.73436331, 459.31582029, 634.19686133, 646.46741081, 511.14766709, 593.37681367, 526.61472207, 662.91379012], [610.92497593, 464.61702305, 505.8660077 , 481.51282706, 462.28352247, 681.5949487 , 504.18114181, 623.425661 , 474.75664461, 663.00703419, 526.23869412, 580.42030857, 623.75895187, 561.29354177, 591.97477088, 609.95593195, 490.19968698, 488.12225902, 562.67143504, 471.13645131, 518.21158545, 500.05856482, 539.23541804, 459.21628809, 634.3359697 , 646.15929096, 510.5360103 , 592.35334245, 526.93191123, 663.81345658]])
- pr_sum_year(Station, time)float641.276e+03 1.008e+03 ... 1.203e+03
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:55] pr_sum_year: fa.PR_SUM_YEAR(pr=pr) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- long_name :
- Integral of variable
- description :
- Annual integral of variable (01-01 to 12-31).
array([[1275.61029933, 1007.77051484, 1405.23540356, 1095.37340728, 999.03940583, 1390.33216304, 994.47550489, 1015.24452786, 1098.08443197, 1363.43052591, 1048.63997592, 1112.32530242, 1249.55692631, 1188.11782924, 1135.09063889, 1289.62522691, 1124.71945723, 1134.52573059, 1119.58408456, 1176.23458003, 946.31461353, 1056.77828225, 1220.33344121, 997.51444463, 1250.82722521, 1323.00444327, 1131.3488351 , 1327.73215131, 1142.7894014 , 1201.84060723], [1274.81499153, 1007.37242283, 1404.86696419, 1098.23940118, 1000.12143776, 1392.42060842, 996.23778034, 1013.99731661, 1099.64525382, 1365.86198551, 1050.02025556, 1110.86033214, 1250.88841201, 1188.73051148, 1135.89801937, 1288.62988393, 1125.23904275, 1134.25522564, 1119.5557058 , 1177.31614318, 945.73141201, 1058.64862107, 1219.53229935, 998.08885807, 1250.81266824, 1323.6934256 , 1131.99727718, 1326.41879072, 1144.47625377, 1203.27385297]])
- snd_mean_01(Station, time)float6467.68 110.8 18.01 ... 86.12 64.82
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- sd
- GRIB_dataType :
- an
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- Snow depth
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 141
- GRIB_shortName :
- sd
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- m of water equivalent
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:55] snd_mean_01: fa.SND_MEAN_01(snd=snd) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[1]).
array([[ 67.68034464, 110.78492579, 18.00656939, 147.8793057 , 78.33036725, 69.6968544 , 88.51948846, 55.70864449, 49.89223874, 102.94742893, 47.01992837, 29.44279231, 20.91444929, 66.51791196, 29.22274476, 75.6143354 , 45.25937081, 142.52672604, 73.08338292, 33.43010692, 85.48568747, 33.42566959, 38.17790394, 73.18279542, 58.94821902, 99.21136418, 15.72517873, 112.07680462, 87.57566492, 65.3257813 ], [ 66.59815887, 110.09335216, 17.81679366, 146.33051688, 77.49623001, 69.32743057, 87.8243161 , 55.13989535, 49.24760132, 101.68387092, 45.36529949, 28.99339328, 20.24512685, 66.12951199, 28.43364275, 74.79349051, 44.11280113, 141.9454367 , 72.48101828, 32.67940823, 84.89899325, 33.26383117, 37.25381577, 72.70756959, 57.36018835, 98.34432103, 15.50395279, 110.77788353, 86.12157257, 64.81934601]])
- snd_mean_02(Station, time)float6448.3 183.4 44.98 ... 118.6 61.02
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- sd
- GRIB_dataType :
- an
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- Snow depth
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 141
- GRIB_shortName :
- sd
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- m of water equivalent
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:55] snd_mean_02: fa.SND_MEAN_02(snd=snd) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[2]).
array([[ 48.29997508, 183.37751574, 44.9800082 , 154.74962741, 92.77853968, 111.24317241, 124.07932147, 63.78058645, 82.44489614, 146.30748549, 59.00655868, 58.05546674, 54.12723512, 104.96301425, 51.11877441, 48.38243171, 110.92690881, 187.33708343, 88.84864096, 83.2605952 , 129.23639028, 71.5558158 , 69.07080294, 105.16980028, 63.63936489, 125.95074061, 37.85414631, 169.44689917, 120.55397691, 61.99405204], [ 46.66647419, 182.59646761, 44.14950118, 152.46667226, 91.6460874 , 110.44928695, 123.41828726, 62.06741081, 81.11176544, 143.89527942, 56.39113668, 57.10129344, 53.23655386, 103.88636301, 49.92968289, 46.16501048, 108.73644935, 186.39081542, 86.7750987 , 82.38164631, 128.48142887, 70.51299181, 68.05755169, 104.62881037, 61.36689891, 123.71240636, 37.55111422, 167.2610035 , 118.61276023, 61.02131409]])
- snd_mean_03(Station, time)float648.974 195.5 36.08 ... 94.03 30.68
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- sd
- GRIB_dataType :
- an
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- Snow depth
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 141
- GRIB_shortName :
- sd
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- m of water equivalent
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:55] snd_mean_03: fa.SND_MEAN_03(snd=snd) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[3]).
array([[ 8.974288 , 195.50803325, 36.07669425, 163.06132795, 90.4996182 , 127.03800696, 111.78909222, 70.17601953, 86.31946076, 126.43165064, 44.3931008 , 55.10639389, 108.69088438, 114.58432681, 39.96253287, 16.94167359, 180.15298106, 186.48424519, 90.33573446, 19.18463185, 174.18353931, 26.36082637, 86.82961854, 71.24111816, 99.17867831, 107.01757952, 52.21104191, 255.65661682, 97.87000321, 31.86749916], [ 8.61464986, 194.17146226, 34.61214389, 159.68638139, 87.94654627, 125.33559753, 110.6314392 , 67.46743727, 84.23830501, 122.58795229, 39.67979699, 53.12236852, 107.57287395, 112.7717762 , 38.44741216, 14.49167146, 176.54565946, 184.43360353, 86.85559855, 17.79326195, 173.14610695, 24.40363617, 85.40711574, 69.30772232, 96.29875707, 103.65726477, 51.26147132, 252.84274213, 94.02826511, 30.67933666]])
- snd_mean_04(Station, time)float640.1946 81.42 4.933 ... 1.659 1.148
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- sd
- GRIB_dataType :
- an
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- Snow depth
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 141
- GRIB_shortName :
- sd
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- m of water equivalent
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:55] snd_mean_04: fa.SND_MEAN_04(snd=snd) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[4]).
array([[ 0.19461214, 81.41902001, 4.93346062, 34.31216759, 22.45040753, 1.32568055, 0.42611347, 0.71272864, 6.33559434, 15.02498208, 1.28253454, 4.08289066, 19.01791052, 30.07318603, 0.67524072, 3.32157917, 84.42738702, 20.14914777, 10.14107476, 5.28844095, 105.16263899, 2.95956749, 4.7536247 , 1.29480615, 5.37773604, 4.05644534, 9.8644111 , 141.85424967, 2.31566559, 1.15988753], [ 0.19438974, 78.57831909, 4.56924806, 31.55193635, 20.06432327, 0.98803973, 0.3829946 , 0.52132145, 5.42241346, 12.12356795, 0.59560779, 3.48578483, 18.15944762, 28.19234034, 0.59240447, 2.84249673, 79.47643926, 17.9453371 , 8.13470149, 5.22103308, 103.62641154, 2.57707132, 4.27036669, 1.03560207, 4.46032533, 3.28714592, 9.50595513, 137.99816422, 1.65939185, 1.14768871]])
- snd_mean_05(Station, time)float640.008909 0.003593 ... 0.02132
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- sd
- GRIB_dataType :
- an
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- Snow depth
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 141
- GRIB_shortName :
- sd
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- m of water equivalent
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:55] snd_mean_05: fa.SND_MEAN_05(snd=snd) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[5]).
array([[ 8.90943261e-03, 3.59264185e-03, 1.49740253e-02, 3.83972563e-05, 3.67432974e-03, 2.00298335e-03, 5.79906998e-03, 7.09394967e-06, 5.08814673e-05, 1.79812807e-06, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, 1.56626518e-04, 4.41481336e-02, -7.34536492e-22, 5.96662034e-03, 2.71145489e-01, 6.03657281e-06, 7.83015233e-05, 2.37805770e-05, 6.19295401e-03, 9.74391822e-02, 2.99670333e-05, 2.45740580e-01, 1.76856176e-03, -7.34536492e-22, 5.70586983e-04, 2.16209764e-02, -7.34536492e-22, 2.11709695e-02], [ 8.79996557e-03, 1.10184911e-03, 1.30819993e-02, 2.49545892e-06, 2.73827138e-03, 1.83963102e-03, 6.30716733e-03, 4.15909820e-08, 1.56313897e-05, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, 1.28265214e-04, 4.26382663e-02, -7.34536492e-22, 6.16885870e-03, 2.04457938e-01, -7.34536492e-22, 1.27904759e-05, 2.42032224e-05, 4.09577001e-03, 9.26469155e-02, 2.44793590e-05, 2.43711100e-01, 1.75090815e-03, -7.34536492e-22, 6.52978417e-06, 7.51016229e-03, -7.34536492e-22, 2.13241808e-02]])
- snd_mean_06(Station, time)float64-7.345e-22 ... -7.345e-22
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- sd
- GRIB_dataType :
- an
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- Snow depth
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 141
- GRIB_shortName :
- sd
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- m of water equivalent
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:56] snd_mean_06: fa.SND_MEAN_06(snd=snd) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[6]).
array([[-7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.27919034e-22, -7.27919034e-22, -7.27919034e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22], [-7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.27919034e-22, -7.27919034e-22, -7.27919034e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22]])
- snd_mean_07(Station, time)float64-7.345e-22 ... -7.345e-22
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- sd
- GRIB_dataType :
- an
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- Snow depth
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 141
- GRIB_shortName :
- sd
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- m of water equivalent
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:56] snd_mean_07: fa.SND_MEAN_07(snd=snd) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[7]).
array([[-7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.27919034e-22, -7.27919034e-22, -7.30640730e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22], [-7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.27919034e-22, -7.27919034e-22, -7.30640730e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22]])
- snd_mean_08(Station, time)float64-7.345e-22 ... -7.345e-22
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- sd
- GRIB_dataType :
- an
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- Snow depth
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 141
- GRIB_shortName :
- sd
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- m of water equivalent
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:56] snd_mean_08: fa.SND_MEAN_08(snd=snd) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[8]).
array([[-7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.27919034e-22, -7.30276059e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22], [-7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.27919034e-22, -7.30276059e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22]])
- snd_mean_09(Station, time)float64-7.345e-22 ... -7.345e-22
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- sd
- GRIB_dataType :
- an
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- Snow depth
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 141
- GRIB_shortName :
- sd
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- m of water equivalent
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:56] snd_mean_09: fa.SND_MEAN_09(snd=snd) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[9]).
array([[-7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, 3.66472307e-05, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.27919034e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22], [-7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, 3.51115510e-05, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.27919034e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22, -7.34536492e-22]])
- snd_mean_10(Station, time)float640.3611 -7.345e-22 ... 0.4509 0.0389
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- sd
- GRIB_dataType :
- an
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- Snow depth
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 141
- GRIB_shortName :
- sd
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- m of water equivalent
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:56] snd_mean_10: fa.SND_MEAN_10(snd=snd) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[10]).
array([[ 3.61139143e-01, -7.34536492e-22, 2.41486332e-03, 2.29913481e-02, 4.69827196e-03, 4.94546779e-06, 9.05844746e-02, 4.83066363e-01, 1.33699912e-01, 1.30300386e-04, 6.23410965e-04, 7.34941737e-03, 1.46288737e-02, -7.34536492e-22, 3.46234867e-04, 8.98279376e-03, 2.20148737e+00, -7.34536492e-22, 1.19405842e-01, 5.29453153e-01, 1.82779646e-02, 8.12765804e-01, 3.80211111e-01, -7.34536492e-22, 5.62131621e-01, 7.17810705e-02, 3.53203728e-05, 2.12440358e-01, 4.74443614e-01, 3.78229469e-02], [ 3.53039059e-01, -7.34536492e-22, 2.12471116e-03, 2.11217644e-02, 4.75507148e-03, 5.59113077e-06, 9.08719839e-02, 4.73565500e-01, 1.32524888e-01, 3.49918899e-05, 4.01060019e-04, 5.82594665e-03, 1.43570105e-02, -7.34536492e-22, 3.41517223e-04, 7.18441007e-03, 2.15564576e+00, -7.34536492e-22, 1.17949372e-01, 5.30136147e-01, 1.82564406e-02, 7.67531161e-01, 3.76220329e-01, -7.34536492e-22, 5.67001388e-01, 6.40495318e-02, -7.34536492e-22, 2.12197131e-01, 4.50945143e-01, 3.88987253e-02]])
- snd_mean_11(Station, time)float644.29 2.369 9.772 ... 0.2134 2.396
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- sd
- GRIB_dataType :
- an
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- Snow depth
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 141
- GRIB_shortName :
- sd
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- m of water equivalent
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:56] snd_mean_11: fa.SND_MEAN_11(snd=snd) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[11]).
array([[ 4.28974404, 2.36937508, 9.7720389 , 1.36281062, 6.68074249, 15.26067058, 5.21228243, 4.11255787, 9.59781013, 8.88516485, 5.76484828, 2.678019 , 3.57714025, 1.33381731, 7.40823478, 6.0512239 , 5.40612165, 1.70078805, 1.17746732, 1.92515025, 2.89728804, 11.89842887, 1.26028388, 1.06339417, 3.87181501, 0.34176204, 9.06606465, 2.04047627, 0.21188497, 2.43625587], [ 4.25217239, 2.35124633, 9.52005812, 1.34880915, 6.60707211, 15.26330399, 5.24602963, 4.05860508, 9.58360883, 8.65972836, 5.72610232, 2.61638331, 3.54660265, 1.32368575, 7.32005598, 6.03748893, 5.41207684, 1.64675875, 1.18308867, 1.90990846, 2.8808137 , 11.77985788, 1.23589341, 1.01893053, 3.82899964, 0.33401563, 9.04767614, 1.96645463, 0.21338249, 2.39608161]])
- snd_mean_12(Station, time)float6444.07 5.757 76.06 ... 26.5 29.87
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- sd
- GRIB_dataType :
- an
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- Snow depth
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 141
- GRIB_shortName :
- sd
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- m of water equivalent
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:56] snd_mean_12: fa.SND_MEAN_12(snd=snd) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (m[12]).
array([[44.06703887, 5.75688701, 76.06154416, 22.82101299, 24.2308966 , 54.8072441 , 27.15328359, 11.16008122, 64.74145571, 21.53646358, 18.78228845, 5.58235333, 10.96139923, 15.07888336, 69.62617761, 16.66124655, 43.33014184, 5.82325247, 4.78346889, 37.19525974, 6.1123358 , 33.07091552, 31.00560753, 46.19094774, 29.34704565, 9.04661331, 87.02500989, 44.45698834, 26.6361908 , 30.05993666], [43.90815824, 5.65992531, 74.895354 , 22.56122924, 24.15454915, 54.30642534, 27.033042 , 10.97939011, 64.58107351, 20.75330294, 18.60581878, 5.46628537, 10.77684199, 14.89296842, 69.34168364, 16.32096437, 43.34963994, 5.70822208, 4.70671489, 36.82452887, 6.05001831, 32.55289537, 30.92817279, 45.62181825, 29.18911092, 8.8825506 , 86.77019675, 43.69726554, 26.49619369, 29.86533787]])
- snd_mean_spring(Station, time)float646.949 92.08 16.65 ... 39.52 16.39
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- sd
- GRIB_dataType :
- an
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- Snow depth
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 141
- GRIB_shortName :
- sd
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- m of water equivalent
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:58] snd_mean_spring: fa.SND_MEAN_SPRING(snd=snd) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (02-11 to 06-19).
array([[ 6.94929737, 92.07902521, 16.65099301, 68.21291963, 39.99847624, 46.88460356, 44.55086586, 28.22490342, 34.38158648, 55.69813485, 19.09309385, 23.83732483, 39.95017306, 49.44511412, 17.85140255, 11.58839839, 80.09610708, 76.19214848, 36.3930022 , 19.24431382, 85.33268523, 17.13296149, 32.33761524, 33.46821798, 34.71953509, 44.50255748, 21.2216831 , 119.90551664, 40.89657462, 16.81828898], [ 6.62649266, 90.98717453, 16.08420995, 66.39535561, 38.64957672, 46.28215088, 44.17086057, 27.26013537, 33.47062654, 53.72882856, 17.40173096, 23.07393351, 39.35759975, 48.41297019, 17.29683313, 10.54738617, 77.73096683, 75.03673046, 34.76506634, 18.76221228, 84.60721983, 16.3943705 , 31.73941809, 32.86673828, 33.47471332, 43.17654239, 20.87060944, 118.00063526, 39.52261029, 16.38864988]])
- snd_mean_summer_fall(Station, time)float640.1345 0.1227 ... 0.1022 0.03939
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- sd
- GRIB_dataType :
- an
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- Snow depth
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 141
- GRIB_shortName :
- sd
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- m of water equivalent
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:33:59] snd_mean_summer_fall: fa.SND_MEAN_SUMMER_FALL(snd=snd) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (06-20 to 11-19).
array([[0.13453123, 0.12274464, 0.76046385, 0.09984943, 0.74815251, 0.2906787 , 0.20250307, 0.25791324, 0.13904216, 1.38078576, 1.01756178, 0.19443379, 0.60679969, 0.00212407, 0.32463109, 0.08322514, 0.58930029, 0.05337013, 0.20936573, 0.1698832 , 0.31237729, 0.88256142, 0.27085577, 0.15060075, 0.29626791, 0.02482162, 0.04958165, 0.07639763, 0.10713052, 0.03892528], [0.13208128, 0.12201821, 0.74519469, 0.09814706, 0.73899207, 0.28815535, 0.20397378, 0.25367185, 0.13566049, 1.35578997, 1.01354406, 0.18723096, 0.60237867, 0.00198903, 0.32088551, 0.08223231, 0.58141375, 0.05133567, 0.21061233, 0.16905279, 0.31158191, 0.86449489, 0.26649505, 0.14401025, 0.29247232, 0.02143478, 0.04869925, 0.07574298, 0.1021789 , 0.03939475]])
- snd_mean_year(Station, time)float6414.36 47.45 15.71 ... 26.83 15.62
- 0
- GRIB_Nx :
- 1171
- GRIB_Ny :
- 701
- GRIB_cfName :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- GRIB_cfVarName :
- sd
- GRIB_dataType :
- an
- GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription :
- Latitude/Longitude Grid
- GRIB_gridType :
- regular_ll
- GRIB_iDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_iScansNegatively :
- 0
- GRIB_jDirectionIncrementInDegrees :
- 0.1
- GRIB_jPointsAreConsecutive :
- 0
- GRIB_jScansPositively :
- 0
- GRIB_latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- 85.0
- GRIB_latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- 15.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees :
- -167.0
- GRIB_longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees :
- -50.0
- GRIB_missingValue :
- 9999
- GRIB_name :
- Snow depth
- GRIB_numberOfPoints :
- 820871
- GRIB_paramId :
- 141
- GRIB_shortName :
- sd
- GRIB_stepType :
- instant
- GRIB_stepUnits :
- 1
- GRIB_totalNumber :
- 0
- GRIB_typeOfLevel :
- surface
- GRIB_units :
- m of water equivalent
- long_name :
- Average of variable
- standard_name :
- lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
- units :
- mm
- cell_methods :
- time: mean within days
- history :
- [2024-10-16 09:34:01] snd_mean_year: fa.SND_MEAN_YEAR(snd=snd) with options check_missing=skip - xclim version: 0.52.0
- description :
- Annual average of variable (01-01 to 12-31).
array([[14.35830205, 47.44790804, 15.71350096, 43.45323714, 25.90669936, 31.26085381, 29.30867008, 17.09767326, 24.71204082, 34.49773671, 14.46472846, 12.78844991, 17.94698459, 27.29562966, 16.3752539 , 13.85337415, 38.91836041, 44.60262462, 22.04078034, 14.83959138, 41.35896647, 14.67399834, 19.07510142, 24.69206264, 21.61194859, 28.31279017, 17.61602628, 60.12402492, 27.49729907, 15.86073973], [14.09323764, 46.97264397, 15.35945032, 42.60606252, 25.32368733, 30.95394366, 29.08968731, 16.64814114, 24.28842417, 33.55573031, 13.64868256, 12.44284884, 17.63818669, 26.85498084, 16.05012534, 13.33134045, 37.93279095, 44.1114058 , 21.36411657, 14.55040622, 41.03019548, 14.32463839, 18.74948717, 24.37195024, 20.9663336 , 27.70367587, 17.44078268, 59.21508208, 26.83133653, 15.62159721]])
- StationPandasIndex
PandasIndex(Index(['031501', '031502'], dtype='object', name='Station'))
- timePandasIndex
PandasIndex(DatetimeIndex(['1981-01-01', '1982-01-01', '1983-01-01', '1984-01-01', '1985-01-01', '1986-01-01', '1987-01-01', '1988-01-01', '1989-01-01', '1990-01-01', '1991-01-01', '1992-01-01', '1993-01-01', '1994-01-01', '1995-01-01', '1996-01-01', '1997-01-01', '1998-01-01', '1999-01-01', '2000-01-01', '2001-01-01', '2002-01-01', '2003-01-01', '2004-01-01', '2005-01-01', '2006-01-01', '2007-01-01', '2008-01-01', '2009-01-01', '2010-01-01'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='time', freq='YS-JAN'))
- cat:variable :
- ('tas_max_01',)
- cat:xrfreq :
- cat:frequency :
- yr
- cat:processing_level :
- indicators
- cat:id :
Les mêmes données peuvent également être visualisées sous la forme d’un pd.DataFrame
pd.set_option("display.max_rows", 100)
Station | 031501 | 031502 |
source | era5_land_reanalysis | era5_land_reanalysis |
tas_max_01 | 5.79328 | 5.83979 |
tas_max_02 | 5.709544 | 5.74949 |
tas_max_03 | 12.451726 | 12.531728 |
tas_max_04 | 21.224634 | 21.254693 |
tas_max_05 | 26.618743 | 26.62262 |
tas_max_06 | 29.915254 | 29.914234 |
tas_max_07 | 30.538177 | 30.541674 |
tas_max_08 | 29.401676 | 29.396607 |
tas_max_09 | 26.409743 | 26.420074 |
tas_max_10 | 20.433635 | 20.457859 |
tas_max_11 | 14.840299 | 14.884756 |
tas_max_12 | 7.110035 | 7.155206 |
tas_max_spring | 29.27284 | 29.27054 |
tas_max_summer_fall | 31.171837 | 31.172982 |
tas_max_year | 31.373761 | 31.372966 |
tas_mean_01 | -11.098958 | -11.070966 |
tas_mean_02 | -8.575376 | -8.555364 |
tas_mean_03 | -3.011887 | -2.994205 |
tas_mean_04 | 5.168779 | 5.193515 |
tas_mean_05 | 12.849464 | 12.856895 |
tas_mean_06 | 18.246934 | 18.250927 |
tas_mean_07 | 20.60195 | 20.605273 |
tas_mean_08 | 19.556622 | 19.560292 |
tas_mean_09 | 15.100446 | 15.109986 |
tas_mean_10 | 8.060541 | 8.074052 |
tas_mean_11 | 1.330069 | 1.348995 |
tas_mean_12 | -6.698234 | -6.672344 |
tas_mean_spring | 5.031998 | 5.047103 |
tas_mean_summer_fall | 14.466165 | 14.474516 |
tas_mean_year | 6.028106 | 6.042794 |
tas_min_01 | -28.778872 | -28.809396 |
tas_min_02 | -25.183904 | -25.231202 |
tas_min_03 | -20.468419 | -20.494124 |
tas_min_04 | -7.592577 | -7.580951 |
tas_min_05 | 1.642597 | 1.65338 |
tas_min_06 | 8.113888 | 8.126952 |
tas_min_07 | 12.12059 | 12.114125 |
tas_min_08 | 10.297272 | 10.30083 |
tas_min_09 | 4.89994 | 4.900005 |
tas_min_10 | -1.616498 | -1.610984 |
tas_min_11 | -11.544179 | -11.551885 |
tas_min_12 | -24.749929 | -24.769652 |
tas_min_spring | -24.09364 | -24.113668 |
tas_min_summer_fall | -6.582494 | -6.571843 |
tas_min_year | -30.032823 | -30.080185 |
pr_sum_01 | 79.061732 | 79.090602 |
pr_sum_02 | 66.888931 | 66.917058 |
pr_sum_03 | 76.444733 | 76.478452 |
pr_sum_04 | 93.790183 | 93.890757 |
pr_sum_05 | 99.64739 | 99.727621 |
pr_sum_06 | 110.389847 | 110.467514 |
pr_sum_07 | 118.354004 | 118.343317 |
pr_sum_08 | 108.421897 | 108.597886 |
pr_sum_09 | 105.164435 | 105.113248 |
pr_sum_10 | 104.317676 | 104.318942 |
pr_sum_11 | 105.9594 | 105.997777 |
pr_sum_12 | 92.276419 | 92.311662 |
pr_sum_spring | 376.994477 | 377.308115 |
pr_sum_summer_fall | 552.196939 | 552.293122 |
pr_sum_year | 1160.716646 | 1161.254838 |
snd_mean_01 | 67.3871 | 66.592959 |
snd_mean_02 | 95.084661 | 93.688919 |
snd_mean_03 | 95.804241 | 93.601279 |
snd_mean_04 | 20.813106 | 19.620342 |
snd_mean_05 | 0.02517 | 0.021946 |
snd_mean_06 | -0.0 | -0.0 |
snd_mean_07 | -0.0 | -0.0 |
snd_mean_08 | -0.0 | -0.0 |
snd_mean_09 | 0.000001 | 0.000001 |
snd_mean_10 | 0.218364 | 0.213499 |
snd_mean_11 | 4.655122 | 4.610496 |
snd_mean_12 | 30.770399 | 30.495989 |
snd_mean_spring | 41.788584 | 40.769412 |
snd_mean_summer_fall | 0.319896 | 0.315362 |
snd_mean_year | 25.923512 | 25.435699 |