Code source de xscen.indicators

"""Functions to compute xclim indicators."""

import logging
import os
from import Sequence
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from types import ModuleType

import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import xclim as xc
from intake_esm import DerivedVariableRegistry
from xclim.core.calendar import construct_offset, parse_offset
from xclim.core.indicator import Indicator
from yaml import safe_load

from xscen.config import parse_config

from .catutils import parse_from_ds
from .utils import CV, rechunk_for_resample, standardize_periods

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["compute_indicators", "load_xclim_module", "registry_from_module"]

def load_xclim_module(filename: str | os.PathLike, reload: bool = False) -> ModuleType:
    """Return the xclim module described by the yaml file (or group of yaml, jsons and py).

    filename : str or os.PathLike
        The filepath to the yaml file of the module or to the stem of yaml, jsons and py files.
    reload : bool
        If False (default) and the module already exists in `xclim.indicators`, it is not re-build.

        The xclim module.
    if not reload:
        # Same code as in xclim to get the module name.
        filepath = Path(filename)

        if not filepath.suffix:
            # A stem was passed, try to load files
            ymlpath = filepath.with_suffix(".yml")
            ymlpath = filepath

        # Read YAML file
        with as f:
            yml = safe_load(f)

        name = yml.get("module", filepath.stem)
        if hasattr(xc.indicators, name):
            return getattr(xc.indicators, name)

    return xc.build_indicator_module_from_yaml(filename)

def get_indicator_outputs(ind: xc.core.indicator.Indicator, in_freq: str):
    """Returns the variables names and resampling frequency of a given indicator.

    CAUTION : Some indicators will build the variable name on-the-fly according to the arguments.
    This function will return the template string (with "{}").

    ind : Indicator
        An xclim indicator
    in_freq : str
        The data's sampling frequency.

    var_names : list
        List of variable names
    freq : str
        Indicator resampling frequency. "fx" for time-reducing indicator.
    if isinstance(ind, xc.core.indicator.ReducingIndicator):
        frq = "fx"
    elif not isinstance(ind, xc.core.indicator.ResamplingIndicator):
        frq = in_freq
        frq = (
            if "freq" in ind.injected_parameters
            else ind.parameters["freq"].default
    if frq == "YS":
        frq = "YS-JAN"
    var_names = [cfa["var_name"] for cfa in ind.cf_attrs]
    return var_names, frq

[docs] @parse_config def compute_indicators( # noqa: C901 ds: xr.Dataset, indicators: ( str | os.PathLike | Sequence[Indicator] | Sequence[tuple[str, Indicator]] | ModuleType ), *, periods: list[str] | list[list[str]] | None = None, restrict_years: bool = True, to_level: str | None = "indicators", rechunk_input: bool = False, ) -> dict: """Calculate variables and indicators based on a YAML call to xclim. The function cuts the output to be the same years as the inputs. Hence, if an indicator creates a timestep outside the original year range (e.g. the first DJF for QS-DEC), it will not appear in the output. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Dataset to use for the indicators. indicators : str | os.PathLike | Sequence[Indicator] | Sequence[tuple[str, Indicator]] | ModuleType Path to a YAML file that instructs on how to calculate missing variables. Can also be only the "stem", if translations and custom indices are implemented. Can be the indicator module directly, or a sequence of indicators or a sequence of tuples (indicator name, indicator) as returned by `iter_indicators()`. periods : list of str or list of lists of str, optional Either [start, end] or list of [start, end] of continuous periods over which to compute the indicators. This is needed when the time axis of ds contains some jumps in time. If None, the dataset will be considered continuous. restrict_years : bool If True, cut the time axis to be within the same years as the input. This is mostly useful for frequencies that do not start in January, such as QS-DEC. In that instance, `xclim` would start on previous_year-12-01 (DJF), with a NaN. `restrict_years` will cut that first timestep. This should have no effect on YS and MS indicators. to_level : str, optional The processing level to assign to the output. If None, the processing level of the inputs is preserved. rechunk_input : bool If True, the dataset is rechunked with :py:func:`flox.xarray.rechunk_for_blockwise` according to the resampling frequency of the indicator. Each rechunking is done once per frequency with :py:func:`xscen.utils.rechunk_for_resample`. Returns ------- dict Dictionary (keys = timedeltas) with indicators separated by temporal resolution. See Also -------- xclim.indicators, xclim.core.indicator.build_indicator_module_from_yaml """ if isinstance(indicators, str | os.PathLike): logger.debug("Loading indicator module.") module = load_xclim_module(indicators) indicators = module.iter_indicators() elif hasattr(indicators, "iter_indicators"): indicators = indicators.iter_indicators() try: N = len(indicators) except TypeError: N = None else: msg = f"Computing {N} indicators." periods = standardize_periods(periods) in_freq = xr.infer_freq(ds.time) if "time" in ds.dims else "fx" dss_rechunked = {} out_dict = dict() for i, ind in enumerate(indicators, 1): if isinstance(ind, tuple): iden, ind = ind else: iden = ind.identifier msg = f"{i} - Computing {iden}." _, freq = get_indicator_outputs(ind, in_freq) if rechunk_input and freq not in ["fx", in_freq]: if freq not in dss_rechunked: msg = f"Rechunking with flox for freq {freq}." logger.debug(msg) dss_rechunked[freq] = rechunk_for_resample(ds, time=freq) else: msg = f"Using rechunked for freq {freq}" logger.debug(msg) ds_in = dss_rechunked[freq] else: ds_in = ds if periods is None: # Pandas as no semiannual frequency and 2Q is capricious if freq.startswith("2Q"): logger.debug( "Dropping start of timeseries to ensure semiannual frequency works." ) ds_in = fix_semiannual(ds_in, freq) # Make the call to xclim out = ind(ds=ds_in) # In the case of multiple outputs, merge them into a single dataset if isinstance(out, tuple): out = xr.merge(out) out.attrs = {} else: out = out.to_dataset() else: # Multiple time periods to concatenate concats = [] for period in periods: # Make the call to xclim ds_subset = ds_in.sel(time=slice(period[0], period[1])) # Pandas as no semiannual frequency and 2Q is capricious if freq.startswith("2Q"): logger.debug( "Dropping start of timeseries to ensure semiannual frequency works." ) ds_subset = fix_semiannual(ds_subset, freq) tmp = ind(ds=ds_subset) # In the case of multiple outputs, merge them into a single dataset if isinstance(tmp, tuple): tmp = xr.merge(tmp) tmp.attrs = {} else: tmp = tmp.to_dataset() # In order to concatenate time periods, the indicator still needs a time dimension if freq == "fx": tmp = tmp.assign_coords({"time": ds_subset.time[0]}) concats.append(tmp) out = xr.concat(concats, dim="time") # Make sure that attributes have been kept for the dimensions and coordinates. Fixes a bug in xarray. for c in set(list(out.coords) + list(out.dims)).intersection( set(list(ds.coords) + list(ds.dims)) ): if (out[c].attrs != ds[c].attrs) and (out[c].sizes == ds[c].sizes): out[c].attrs = ds[c].attrs if restrict_years and "time" in out.dims: # cut the time axis to be within the same years as the input # for QS-DEC, xclim starts on DJF with time previous_year-12-01 with a nan as values. We want to cut this. # this should have no effect on YS and MS indicators out = out.sel( time=slice( str(ds.time[0].dt.year.values), str(ds.time[-1].dt.year.values) ) ) # Create the dictionary key key = freq if key not in out_dict: out_dict[key] = out out_dict[key].attrs = ds.attrs out_dict[key].attrs["cat:xrfreq"] = freq out_dict[key].attrs["cat:frequency"] = CV.xrfreq_to_frequency(freq, None) if to_level is not None: out_dict[key].attrs["cat:processing_level"] = to_level else: for v in out.data_vars: out_dict[key][v] = out[v] for key in out_dict: out_dict[key].attrs["cat:variable"] = parse_from_ds( out_dict[key], ["variable"] )["variable"] return out_dict
def registry_from_module( module: ModuleType, registry: DerivedVariableRegistry | None = None, variable_column: str = "variable", ) -> DerivedVariableRegistry: """Convert a xclim virtual indicators module to an intake_esm Derived Variable Registry. Parameters ---------- module : ModuleType A module of xclim. registry : DerivedVariableRegistry, optional If given, this registry is extended, instead of creating a new one. variable_column : str The name of the variable column (the name used in the query). Returns ------- DerivedVariableRegistry A variable registry where each indicator and each of its output has been registered. If an indicator returns multiple values, each of them is mapped individually, as the DerivedVariableRegistry only supports single output function. Each indicator was wrapped into a new function that only accepts a dataset and returns it with the extra variable appended. This means all other parameters are given their defaults. """ dvr = registry or DerivedVariableRegistry() for name, ind in module.iter_indicators(): query = { variable_column: [p.default for p in ind.parameters.values() if p.kind == 0] } for i, attrs in enumerate(ind.cf_attrs): dvr.register(variable=attrs["var_name"], query=query)(_derived_func(ind, i)) return dvr def _ensure_list(x): if not isinstance(x, list | tuple): return [x] return x def _derived_func(ind: xc.core.indicator.Indicator, nout: int) -> partial: def func(ds, *, ind, nout): out = ind(ds=ds) if isinstance(out, tuple): out = out[nout] ds[] = out return ds func.__name__ = ind.identifier return partial(func, ind=ind, nout=nout) def select_inds_for_avail_vars( ds: xr.Dataset, indicators: ( str | os.PathLike | Sequence[Indicator] | Sequence[tuple[str, Indicator]] | ModuleType ), ) -> ModuleType: """Filter the indicators for which the necessary variables are available. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Dataset to use for the indicators. indicators : str | os.PathLike | Sequence[Indicator] | Sequence[Tuple[str, Indicator]] Path to a YAML file that instructs on how to calculate indicators. Can also be only the "stem", if translations and custom indices are implemented. Can be the indicator module directly, or a sequence of indicators or a sequence of tuples (indicator name, indicator) as returned by `iter_indicators()`. Returns ------- ModuleType – An indicator module of 'length' ∈ [0, n]. See Also -------- xclim.indicators, xclim.core.indicator.build_indicator_module_from_yaml """ # Transform the 'indicators' input into a list of tuples (name, indicator) is_list_of_tuples = isinstance(indicators, list) and all( isinstance(i, tuple) for i in indicators ) if isinstance(indicators, str | os.PathLike): logger.debug("Loading indicator module.") indicators = load_xclim_module(indicators, reload=True) if hasattr(indicators, "iter_indicators"): indicators = [(name, ind) for name, ind in indicators.iter_indicators()] elif isinstance(indicators, list | tuple) and not is_list_of_tuples: indicators = [(ind.base, ind) for ind in indicators] # FIXME: Remove if-else when updating minimum xclim version to 0.53 XCVARS = ( xc.core.VARIABLES if hasattr(xc.core, "VARIABLES") else xc.core.utils.VARIABLES ) available_vars = {var for var in ds.data_vars if var in XCVARS.keys()} available_inds = [ (name, ind) for var in available_vars for name, ind in indicators if var in ind.parameters.keys() ] return xc.core.indicator.build_indicator_module( "inds_for_avail_vars", available_inds, reload=True ) def _wrap_month(m): # Ensure the month number is between 1 and 12 # Modulo returns 0 if m is a multiple of 12, 0 is false and we want 12. return (m % 12) or 12 def fix_semiannual(ds, freq): """Avoid wrong start dates for semiannual frequency. Resampling with offsets that are multiples of a base frequency (ex: 2QS-OCT) is broken in pandas ( This will cut the beggining of the dataset so it starts exactly at the beginning of the resampling period. """ # I hate that we have to do that mul, b, s, anc = parse_offset(freq) if mul != 2 or b != "Q": raise NotImplementedError("This only fixes 2Q frequencies.") # Get MONTH: N mapping (invert xarray's) months_inv = xr.coding.cftime_offsets._MONTH_ABBREVIATIONS months = dict(zip(months_inv.values(), months_inv.keys())) if s: m1 = months[anc] else: m1 = _wrap_month(months[anc] + 1) freq = construct_offset(mul, b, True, months_inv[m1]) m2 = _wrap_month(m1 + 6) time = ds.indexes["time"] if isinstance(time, xr.CFTimeIndex): offset = xr.coding.cftime_offsets.to_offset(freq) is_on_offset = offset.onOffset else: offset = pd.tseries.frequencies.to_offset(freq) is_on_offset = offset.is_on_offset if is_on_offset(time[0]) and time[0].month in (m1, m2): # wow, already correct! return ds for t in time: if is_on_offset(t) and t.month in (m1, m2): return ds.sel(time=(time >= t)) raise ValueError(f"Can't find a start date that fits with frequency {freq}.")