xhydro.indicators package

Indicators submodule.


xhydro.indicators.generic module

Module to compute indicators using xclim’s build_indicator_module_from_yaml.

xhydro.indicators.generic.compute_indicators(ds: Dataset, indicators: str | PathLike | Sequence[Indicator] | Sequence[tuple[str, Indicator]] | ModuleType, *, periods: list[str] | list[list[str]] | None = None, restrict_years: bool = True, to_level: str | None = 'indicators', rechunk_input: bool = False) dict[source]

Calculate variables and indicators based on a YAML call to xclim.

The function cuts the output to be the same years as the inputs. Hence, if an indicator creates a timestep outside the original year range (e.g. the first DJF for QS-DEC), it will not appear in the output.



Dataset to use for the indicators.

indicatorsstr | os.PathLike | Sequence[Indicator] | Sequence[tuple[str, Indicator]] | ModuleType

Path to a YAML file that instructs on how to calculate missing variables. Can also be only the « stem », if translations and custom indices are implemented. Can be the indicator module directly, or a sequence of indicators or a sequence of tuples (indicator name, indicator) as returned by iter_indicators().

periodslist of str or list of lists of str, optional

Either [start, end] or list of [start, end] of continuous periods over which to compute the indicators. This is needed when the time axis of ds contains some jumps in time. If None, the dataset will be considered continuous.


If True, cut the time axis to be within the same years as the input. This is mostly useful for frequencies that do not start in January, such as QS-DEC. In that instance, xclim would start on previous_year-12-01 (DJF), with a NaN. restrict_years will cut that first timestep. This should have no effect on YS and MS indicators.

to_levelstr, optional

The processing level to assign to the output. If None, the processing level of the inputs is preserved.


If True, the dataset is rechunked with flox.xarray.rechunk_for_blockwise() according to the resampling frequency of the indicator. Each rechunking is done once per frequency with xscen.utils.rechunk_for_resample().



Dictionary (keys = timedeltas) with indicators separated by temporal resolution.

See Also

xclim.indicators, xclim.core.indicator.build_indicator_module_from_yaml

xhydro.indicators.generic.compute_volume(da: DataArray, *, out_units: str = 'm3', attrs: dict | None = None) DataArray[source]

Compute the volume of water from a streamflow variable, keeping the same frequency.



Streamflow variable.


Output units. Defaults to « m3 ».

attrsdict, optional

Attributes to add to the output variable. Default attributes for « long_name », « units », « cell_methods » and « description » will be added if not provided.



Volume of water.

xhydro.indicators.generic.get_yearly_op(ds, op, *, input_var: str = 'streamflow', window: int = 1, timeargs: dict | None = None, missing: str = 'skip', missing_options: dict | None = None, interpolate_na: bool = False) Dataset[source]

Compute yearly operations on a variable.



Dataset containing the variable to compute the operation on.


Operation to compute. One of [« max », « min », « mean », « sum »].


Name of the input variable. Defaults to « streamflow ».


Size of the rolling window. A « mean » operation is performed on the rolling window before the call to xclim. This parameter cannot be used with the « sum » operation.

timeargsdict, optional

Dictionary of time arguments for the operation. Keys are the name of the period that will be added to the results (e.g. « winter », « summer », « annual »). Values are up to two dictionaries, with both being optional. The first is {“freq”: str}, where str is a frequency supported by xarray (e.g. « YS », « YS-JAN », « YS-DEC »). It needs to be a yearly frequency. Defaults to « YS-JAN ». The second is an indexer as supported by xclim.core.calendar.select_time(). Defaults to {}, which means the whole year. See xclim.core.calendar.select_time() for more information. Examples: {« winter »: {« freq »: « YS-DEC », « date_bounds »: [« 12-01 », « 02-28 »]}}, {« jan »: {« freq »: « YS », « month »: 1}}, {« annual »: {}}.


How to handle missing values. One of « skip », « any », « at_least_n », « pct », « wmo ». See xclim.core.missing() for more information.

missing_optionsdict, optional

Dictionary of options for the missing values” method. See xclim.core.missing() for more information.


Whether to interpolate missing values before computing the operation. Only used with the « sum » operation. Defaults to False.



Dataset containing the computed operations, with one variable per indexer. The name of the variable follows the pattern {input_var}{window}_{op}_{indexer}.


If you want to perform a frequency analysis on a frequency that is finer than annual, simply use multiple timeargs (e.g. 1 per month) to create multiple distinct variables.

xhydro.indicators.pmp module

Module to compute Probable Maximum Precipitation.

xhydro.indicators.pmp.compute_spring_and_summer_mask(snw: DataArray, thresh: str = '1 cm', window_wint_start: int = 14, window_wint_end: int = 45, spr_start: int = 60, spr_end: int = 30, freq: str = 'YS-JUL')[source]

Create a mask that defines the spring and summer seasons based on the snow water equivalent.



Snow water equivalent. Must be a length (e.g. « mm ») or a mass (e.g. « kg m-2 »).


Threshold snow thickness to define the start and end of winter.


Minimum number of days with snow depth above or equal to threshold to define the start of winter.


Maximum number of days with snow depth below or equal to threshold to define the end of winter.


Number of days before the end of winter to define the start of spring.


Number of days after the end of winter to define the end of spring.


Frequency of the time axis (annual frequency). Defaults to « YS-JUL ».



Dataset with two DataArrays (mask_spring and mask_summer), with values of 1 where the spring and summer criteria are met and 0 where they are not.

xhydro.indicators.pmp.major_precipitation_events(da: DataArray, windows: list[int], quantile: float = 0.9)[source]

Get precipitation events that exceed a given quantile for a given time step accumulation. Based on Clavet-Gaumont et al. (2017).



DataArray containing the precipitation values.

windowslist of int

List of the number of time steps to accumulate precipitation.


Threshold that limits the events to those that exceed this quantile. Defaults to 0.9.



Masked DataArray containing the major precipitation events.



xhydro.indicators.pmp.precipitable_water(hus: DataArray, zg: DataArray, orog: DataArray, windows: list[int] | None = None, beta_func: bool = True, add_pre_lay: bool = False)[source]

Compute precipitable water based on Clavet-Gaumont et al. (2017) and Rousseau et al (2014).



Specific humidity. Must have a pressure level (plev) dimension.


Geopotential height. Must have a pressure level (plev) dimension.


Surface altitude.

windowslist of int, optional

Duration of the event in time steps. Defaults to [1]. Note that an additional time step will be added to the window size to account for antecedent conditions.

beta_funcbool, optional

If True, use the beta function proposed by Boer (1982) to get the pressure layers above the topography. If False, the surface altitude is used as the lower boundary of the atmosphere assuming that the surface altitude and the geopotential height are virtually identical at low altitudes.

add_pre_laybool, optional

If True, add the pressure layer between the surface and the lowest pressure level (e.g., at sea level). If False, only the pressure layers between the lowest and highest pressure level are considered.



Precipitable water.


1) The precipitable water of an event is defined as the maximum precipitable water found during the entire duration of the event, extending up to one time step before the start of the event. Thus, the rolling operation made using windows is a maximum, not a sum.

  1. beta_func = True and add_pre_lay = False follow Clavet-Gaumont et al. (2017) and Rousseau et al (2014).

  2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrh.2017.07.003 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.10.053 https://doi.org/10.1175/1520-0493(1982)110<1801:DEIIC>2.0.CO;2

xhydro.indicators.pmp.precipitable_water_100y(pw: DataArray, dist: str, method: str, mf: float = 0.2, rebuild_time: bool = True)[source]

Compute the 100-year return period of precipitable water for each month. Based on Clavet-Gaumont et al. (2017).



DataArray containing the precipitable water.


Probability distributions.

method{« ML » or « MLE », « MM », « PWM », « APP »}

Fitting method, either maximum likelihood (ML or MLE), method of moments (MM) or approximate method (APP). Can also be the probability weighted moments (PWM), also called L-Moments, if a compatible dist object is passed.


Maximum majoration factor of the 100-year event compared to the maximum of the timeseries. Used as an upper limit for the frequency analysis.


Whether or not to reconstruct a timeseries with the same time dimensions as pw.



Precipitable water for a 100-year return period.



xhydro.indicators.pmp.spatial_average_storm_configurations(da, radius)[source]

Compute the spatial average for different storm configurations proposed by Clavet-Gaumont et al. (2017).



DataArray containing the precipitation values.


Maximum radius of the storm.



DataSet contaning the spatial averages for all the storm configurations. The y and x coordinates indicate the location of the storm. This location is determined by n//2, where n is the total number of cells for both the rows and columns in the configuration, and // represents floor division.

